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The Rite of Fertility

The ceremony known as the Rite of Fertility is the central service of worship for the matriarchal tribe known as the Birthers. Almost universally reviled by survivors for their practice of abducting men and, especially, young women for forcible indoctrination into their beliefs, the Birthers believe that it is their sacred duty to repopulate humanity. As such, their Convents practice regular procreation with the goal of producing as many individuals to consititute the new generation as possible. They believe that the ends-the survival of humanity for another thousand years-justify their means-the forcible breeding of often unwilling survivors, and the separation of child and mother after birth to be raised in the cult's ways. The Rite of Fertility is performed regularly by the entire Convent, and is the sacred ceremony in which the Goddess of Fertility is called upon to bless the Sisters of the Convent with fruitful wombs.


The Ceremony begins when all Sisters of the Convent gather in the Sanctuary of Fertility, assembling in a great circle around the Altar of Fertility. Every Sister who will parcitipate in the ritual is first purified in a ritual cleansing. First, they discard all of their worldly garments to symbolize the putting off of their worldly cares and the taking up of their sacred responsibility. Their naked bodies are then painted with ash body paints. These body paintings are meant to induce fertility and protect against evil spirits and afflictions which may beset the Sister as a result of the Rite. As each Sister is prepared, the Convent performs an group invocation chant to call on the Goddess to bless the ceremony. As they chant each ready Sister approaches or is brought to the Altar where a flame is lit and placed at the foot of the edifice, to remain lit throughout the ceremony. This flame symbolizes death, rebirth, and the eternal cycle of reproduction.   Willing Sisters come to the Altar willingly, and there submit themselves to the union with one or many of the servants. This act, when performed during the Rite, is seen as holy and a gift to humanity and is guided by the Life Bringer with the encouragement and support of the abstaining Sisters behind her. The atmosphere is one of solemnity and reverence, with the collective assembly bowing their heads in prayer and hope for the creation of a new life.   Unwilling Sisters are brought forcibly to the Altar by the Gatherers of the Convent. The more resistant individuals are often subdued using psychological manipulation or sedative drugs. They are then bound to the Altar by ceremonial ropes meant to symbolize their selfishness and unwillingness to sacrifice themselves for the greater good. Individuals who surrender to the ways of the Convent and take their vows have their bindings removed, a symbol of their acceptance of their responsibility and dedication to selflessness for the good of all mankind.   Following the conclusion of the union, the Sisters' wombs are annointed with more ashes and paints in hopeful prayer of successful conception. Participants are then asked to renew their vows of dedication and loyalty to the Convent before the Life Bringer, reaffirming their commitment to the future generation.

Components and tools

The Rite of Fertility take place in a central building, common to every Convent, known as the Sanctuary of Fertility. This structure is located at the center of the Convent in a fortified position that can be secured both against the outside and inside. Within the Sanctuary, the walls are adorned with fertility symbols and murals depicting the natural cycle of birth, life, and rebirth. At the heart of the Sanctuary is situated the Altar of Fertility: a slab made of stone, wood, or bones and surrounded by artifacts sacred to the Convent, flames, and offerings.   Body paints used in the Rite are made from ash gathered pure in jars as it falls from skies and mixed with small amounts of precious fluid to form a gritty paste. The most important paints are made from clay mixed from the dirt of the earth. Because the ash blanket is so thick in most parts of Ashrain, finding native soil is a rare occurrence. As such, these paints are used only to form a small dot on the stomachs of Sisters, right over their wombs in the center of the patterns made by the ash paints. This dot of earth symbolizes the ground to which mankind once cleaved, and the importance of that remembrance.


The Life Bringer of the Birthers Convent sits on a chaise behind the Altar and oversees the entire ritual. Every Sister of the Convent participates in the Rite, except for those who are exempted due to ongoing pregnancy or the period of recovery following birth. These exempted Sisters assemble behind the Life Bringer to assist her in performing the ritual and to add their blessings to the Sisters through her invocations. Gatherers of the Convent stand watch over newly captured Sisters and those who have yet to submit to indoctrination. They will force those unwilling to participate in the Rite if they must. Gatherers also stand guard over the men of the Convent, who are little more than slaves, ensuring their submission to the Sisters during the Rite and their participation.


The Rite of Fertility is the most important ritual of the Birthers as it is vital to the success of their mission. Because life and its generation are considered of the utmost sacrality by the Convent, reproduction outside of the Rite of Fertility is strictly forbidden. Therefore, the Rite of Fertility is observed by every Convent every single day, excepting holy days of chastity and purification.
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