The Eastern Marches

"They say the Marcher Lords get a tower and 12 miles each. Bit of a raw deal if you ask me, fightin' barbarians day in and day out, 'til one of 'em decides to stick you with a whistlin' arrow."
— Eyoin Spideressence


There are 11 Marcher Lords in the Eastern Marches as recognized by the King of Monair, with the March's current representative to the crown being Baron Ialish Yædrom of the House of Yædrom. The Marcher Lords are collectively responsible for the security of the eastern border of Monair, with their primary threat being the Orcs of Cosard on the other side of the Shilmerig River. Orcish incursions are frequent, as the river is widely fordable. There is one notable exception, the Rapids, which comprise of quick-moving rapids running quickly until it settles in the bends of the river. Although calmest in the cooler months, the rapids are never to be taken lightly.

In addition to the constant threats of Ashta Talu, there are a number of other great pressures present in the Eastern Marches. Orcish raids threaten any peace of mind from the other side of the Shilmerig, and infighting amongst the Marcher Lords keeps everyone eyeing their neighbors.

A myriad of people who find themselves in the Eastern Marches. Although residents of the Eastern Marches generally find virtue in resilience and highly value their frontier-style living, there are bastions of civilization in the villages, towns and small cities. From those with near nothing trying to eke out a living, sons of far-away noble houses on journeys to test their mettle and earn knighthood, to the seasoned veteran Soldier who knows only battle, the Eastern Marches provide.

The "Red River" as its called by the locals the water is mixed with red clay and iron dust, giving it a red hue, although many still yet attribute it to the vast quantities of blood that have been spilled in battle in the waters.


The Marcher Lords

Each of the Marcher Lords was raised by the Monarch of House Krinyaght. Within their ranks, they are generally sub-divided into "upper" and "lower" Lords, corresponding to their geographical location along the river itself, with the road to Yarlog the dividing line between the two. As a rule of thumb, the Marcher Lords of the Lower Fian hold more wealth and prestige than those of the upper Fian.

Near the end of his reign, King Moryse I Krinyaght awarded leadership of the Eastern Marches and an additional grant of land to House Yædrom at the Tournament of Yarlog. This decision has more than ruffled a few of the feathers of some of the older and exceedingly proud houses, and has led to vocal and occasionally violent protests.

The river, and the warfare accompanying it, is ever changing and flowing, as is the power and prestige of each house. The lords are in constant competition for the favor of the far away King, constantly looking for their chance to get one up on their neighbors. Due to the inherent hostility and dangers of the land, it has been known for feuds to go so far as letting a house fend for themselves when the Orcs come across the river. Below are the Houses of the Marcher Lords as inscribed in the Table of Nobility at the beginning of the reign of King Moralt II.


Barons of House Yædrom

"We Light the Way"

Head of House: Baron Ialish

Seat: The Wiry Wicke


Lords of House Feiltour

"Blood for Fire"

Head of House: Lord Curiyan

Seat: The Burned Grove

Lords of House Leyantor

"Watching and Waiting"

Head of House: Lord Fiakrae

Seat: Crow's Roost

Lords of House Aygean

"The Sea is the Limit"

Head of House: Lord Rigbardan

Seat: Light's Point


Lords of House Tortairi

"He Reaps What He Sows"

Head of House: Lord Segdae

Seat: Valiant Vine

Lords of House Fadgeyar

"The King's Spear"

Head of House: Lord Amagald

Seat: Tower of the Crown

Lords of House Fionchur

"Stones and Spears"

Head of House: Lord Tadeg

Seat: Riverlily's Rest


Lords of House Natiyare

"Swimming Snakes"

Head of House: Lord Tresak

Seat: Redtower

Lords of House Broccaban

"Swift as the River"

Head of House: Lord Ekdonn

Seat: Stone Stable

Lords of House Diaghal

"We'll Defend"

Head of House: Lord Seynan

Seat: Sandyr's Steadfast



Lords of House Seyen

"To Tosig and Back"

Head of House: Lord Tygernak

Seat: Little Tosig



The Fian River runs some 300 miles, curving from south to north and emptying into the Tendril Bay. The western bank of the river sits notably lower than the eastern side, leaving the western bank prone to seasonal flooding and eastern side prone to erosion. Further to the west, rolling hills create difficult terrain, creating a lowland pass from the Bloody Bend upriver to the Count of Yarlog's Road.


  • AT 1.75e Eastern Marches
Alternative Name(s)
The Red River
Location under
Additional Rulers/Owners
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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