diamond Material in Ashvaarya | World Anvil
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a shining well of magical power

Diamond is a rare crystalline allotrope of carbon.   While it is notable for it's beauty and hardness, it is most notable for having what is effectively considered the highest concentration of naavitas of any material on Ashvaarya. Even though it is only considered slightly more effective graphite, it's secondary features make it generally more desirable and versatile in the creation of magical focus'. The only material or object that is even potentially more powerful or significant, is the "akti a’vichaan", an object of unknown origin and nature rumoured of in scholar and Council circles to be an uncomparable source of power.

History & Usage


Diamond was well known and valued by the lashaan for many millennia, and by the Fallen when they first came to Ashvaarya (though for purely superficial reasons). Even other invasive species brought to Ashvaarya during the Cult incursions, knew of and valued diamond in their own cultures. It is generally considered the most and even only, universally valued substance on Ashvaarya.


While diamonds have occasionally been found in both Western and Dry mountain ranges, the most significant and reliable diamond mines in Austur are located in the province of Diamant Hills and the old Septurn enclaves there. The first was discovered by Septurn refugees settling the area in the late sixth century AS, with the massive deposits around Sohil found in the early seventh. These mines have been the primary source for diamonds, cut and raw, in the centuries since.

Cultural Significance and Usage

All diamonds are kept and used for the creation of the most powerful of magical focus'. The most common and well known are the Uma's nyoro head chain, the diamond studded copy of the Ilaaya Sadi held by the Council Curiya, or the large central diamond featured in the many jewelled cestus of a Commander of the Council Guard.


Most larger diamonds are cut and polished by the Jewelcutters Guild for use in the best or largest focus'. Smaller diamonds are often considered not worth the effort of cutting however, since the only purpose is aesthetic, and the smaller the discarded pieces are, the more difficult they are to mount or make use of. These raw diamonds are still highly prized of course and used in smaller or less prominent focus.

Reusability & Recycling

Diamonds themselves are all but indestructible and they are always salvaged and re-used should a focus be damaged in some way.


Trade & Market

The Council forbids the export of diamonds to the S*la'vn, despite Austur's exceptional relationship with the Queen Mother. The skla'vin however are known to have their own diamond mines somewhere in the Dry Mountains, and seem quite unperturbed by the Council's stand.

Law & Regulation

The mining, processing, and distribution of diamonds is strictly regulated. Every step of a diamonds existence from the moment of its discovery in a mine, is carefully tracked and logged by the Mining Guild, Jewelcutters Guild, and The Council itself. Every diamond's location, use, and current holder is tracked by Council bureaucrats, be they Guild Grandmasters, Mageguard, or Uma.

"It seems strangely appropriate that such a pure and beautiful thing should so gloriously enhance a persons magical ability."

- Umkuula Kiera (792AS)
most commonly transparent, but with slight colour tints of all kinds
Melting / Freezing Point
Common State
raw gemstone
Related Species

Cover image: by pexels license - altered


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