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Infinite Isles

the uncountable and near unnavigable islands that fill the south-eastern ocean

The Infinite Isles are a vast collection of islands off the southeast coast of Continental Ashvaarya. The incredibly variable depths of the water and heights and disposition of the islands themselves, along with the unpredictable winds and weekly tidal effects, makes the region incredibly difficult and dangerous to navigate, and so most of the islands in the huge archipelago have remained all but uncharted and unexplored. Only the more northern extents of the isles have been charted and then quite minimally. They are temperate but rocky and mostly unfarmable, contrasting the bulk of the isles to the south that are largely tropical, storm ridden, and densely forested.   The brothers of the Zhoyaala of Numerology estimate that the total number of islands is likely to be in the many thousands, but that practicality and pragmatism make the effort of counting them effectively impossible, and certainly unreasonable. The discovery of the total number of islands in the Infinite Isles is noted as one of the great votary Passions. Only one Brahaan has ever taken up that passion however, and his attempt led to his disappearance in his first season's efforts.


A collection of uncounted thousands of rocky islands arcing around the whole south east coast of Yatan'aa. The islands vary in size from several meters in length to hundreds to thousands of kilometres. The incredibly variable tides of Tamrakaaz mean that many of the smaller islands change size dramatically over the course of the week, and during the God Tide some islands are completely submerged.


The ecosystems of the Infinite Isles are both simple and diverse. The larger of the islands further south, while still somewhat mountainous, are generally covered in dense tropical forests, which may or may not be in habited by larger more diverse animal life. The northern most islands are more barren and fewer in number, as well as more temperate, and some few have been superficially charted. Here there are no larger creatures and the rocky ground leaves room for only a few especially hearty plant species. Though some have been minimally settled, living there is considered something of a hardship by most Dal Karchuan. For most of the Infinite Isles, even the water between them is relatively hostile to more than simple plants and the tiniest of creatures. Much of the water is shallow with an extremely uneven sea floor, and tidal changes can leave whole water ways completely cut off from the wider ocean.


Like much of the lands south-east of the Dry Mountains, the majority of the Infinite Isles are tropical. Near daily rainstorms and even monsoons plague the islands. Some of the brothers within the Zhoyaala of Natural Philosophy believe that beyond the isles there is an open ocean of unending storms and hurricanes, and that the isles actually serve as a great breakwater, protecting Yatan'aa from the destructive forces of nature to the east.

Fauna & Flora

Along the more accessable northern islands, most are of bare rock with occasional highroot or sigill trees along with the usual mosses, ferns and shrubbery. Salan and other sea birds have been seen nesting and hunting amongst the islands, but nothing larger than reef rat, tree snakes and legfish have been seen.   The majority of the isles to the southern tropical regions however are either similarly barren, or packed with dense rainforests. These jungles are reportedly made up of otherwise unidentifiable tree types with the exception of date and rendelion.


Though the islands are generally uninhabited, and navigating them is extremely dangerous, there are stories recorded by the Zhoyaala of Antiquity of some few who have travelled far into the isles and returned. It is said that there is a central island in the group covered in impassable forests and low mountains, plagued with constant rain storms, and inhabited by huge and terrible creatures. Though not confirmed, this theoretical landmass is referred to as the Island of Rain.

"Curiosity may be a Virtue, but so is the pursuit of long life. Venturing to explore the Infinite Isles would satisfy the first but sacrifice the second."

- Brother Linn Deeaz-Tzu, Order of Antiquity (502AS)

Cover image: by pexels license - altered by Logan Schinbeckler


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