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The hand of Adhi'Kosh.

The saion warriors are a secret group of elite Vid'Oshi warriors. Though they may take on all types of missions, they are most often used as messengers and bodyguards by the Jashito and Raisra. They are considered protectors of the faith and burdened with terrible responsibility. Since secrecy and patience are the two most powerful tools of the Jashito and Raisra, one of the most dire duties of the saion is to protect the faith and the Vid'Oshi as a whole from the discovery of the Jashito and Raisra, at any cost. It has been known that saion warriors, sworn to protect the Jashito and Raisra, have been responsible for killing their charges to prevent them from being taken captive, thereby protecting their greater purpose.



Since it is illegal in all of Yatan'aa for any Vid'Oshi to carry a weapon or don armor, the saion are trained first and foremost in unarmed hand to hand combat. When they are deemed to have completed their training however, they are presented with a yakara'tso, the secret magically enchanged weapon version of the common yakara.   The yakara'tso, when deployed, is a series of hinged steel straps and rings that unfold and wrap around the outer hand and knuckles of the bearer. Any force applied by the wearer through the steel plates and panels of the yakara'tso is enhanced more than tenfold. Higher quality yakara'tso will have a stronger effect. Using one, a saion warrior might punch through a stone wall or utterly pulverize a man's skull with a backhand.


Most Vid'Oshi men and many women are taught to fight and defend themselves by their parents at a young age. For those children that show a particular aptitude and devotion, a parent can petition the local Jashito and Raisra to consider them for saion training. Should the child be accepted, they are sent to Khalgara to spend their teen years in intense and focused training.

"I guard the future."

- Saion Warrior before throwing herself off a cliff to avoid arrest by House Bashir Elite Guard (419AS)
Special Forces
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy

Cover image: by Logan Schinbeckler


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Aug 19, 2024 02:45 by Marjorie Ariel

The description of them killing their charges, along with the quote in the sidebar says a lot about their dedication.