The Last Battle of Septurn Bridge
the end of a war and the birth of a legend
The Conflict
The amphibious, tentacled, sentient species known as the muada were first discovered by Septurn explorers in 523AS, north-west of the Lago Della Liberta. The muada were clearly intelligent and communicative, despite having very limited stone tools and no obvious use of magic, but did not seem immediately aggressive. Despite this, the creatures began raiding villages and communes along the northern edges of Septur within the year. With no real military force or any kind, the Septurn people did their best to defend themselves using what few offensive and defensive spells could be found in the old lashaan books of magic. Soon villages were being abandoned and both the Rangers and forces from Lashaan's Vigil were sent north to aid Septur. Hostilities grew with no clear goal, and no attempt or desire to negotiate or communicate from the muada. They raided settlements in ever larger numbers, killing, destroying and occasionally taking seemingly random good and material. Within another year there was a more organized defence of Septurn people and minimal aid from the free towns in the Borderlands, becoming more formal and actual battles between human and muada. The attacks from the muada were utterly random and inconsistent. Sometimes a group of five or six raiding a village, sometimes a group in the hundreds, and everything in between, all with no clear desire for territory or particular resources. The muada fought viciously and brutally, with no magic, wielding only a stone knife in each of their six upper tentacles. The Septurn people began to flee southward, back the old human nations and free cities along the River Rothum. At the same time, begging these them for help. Over the following years, some of the southern nations did send help of various kinds, and the Septurn tried to hold their own. The muada gained more and more ground, pushing the people of Septur further and further south, until eventually they had to declare defeat, and the whole of Septur City and the whole of the surrounding towns and villages were abandoned. The muada, and the war, simply followed. The towns and farming villages in the Borderlands began to experience what the Septurn people had as their homes were destroyed and whole villages slaughtered. Soon enough, they too fled south. Unfortunately, while the kingdoms, nations, and cities along the Rothum had had occasion conflicts amongst themselves, they were not prepared for large scale war of the magnitude they were faced with. In their favour however, was the River Ora which came down out of the Western Mountains and wound it's way to Therscold lake and then further south and east into the Drylands. As the river wound eastward it became the botom of a corge, far higher on the southern side. While level at some places, this created the best and most defensible line for the quickly unifying human nations to try and stop the slow, chaotic muada advance. All bridges over the gorge were destroyed except the massive one that had been build centuries earlier, the Ora Gorge Bridge. Forces from Sheridan's Rest, Lashaan's Vigil, Rothum's Bay and as far as Landen and the Caalesh Accord cities united to defend the border. Many of the Septurn refugees who had settled along the Rothum returned to aid in the defence, joining whatever defensive force would have them. The muada raids and attacks continued for years. Even the Skla'vin Queen Mother P'k*cha bred massive warrior caste for the first time in centuries and sent one of her daughter Queens with them to help defend the River Ora. Only the Steel Kingdom, the Zaahani, and the southerners of the Inesh Daan refused to join the defence. Eventually however, this changed. In 550AS, 27 years after the first discovery of the muada, all of Humanity united into a single nation: Austur. The first act of the new national government, The Council of Landen, was to form a national military in memory of small force that defended The Magus a century before the Sunder. Every human fighting force, militia, and military united into the various orders of the Mageguard, dedicated entirely to protecting humanity from the muada threat. Within a decade, the newly organized Mageguard pushed the muada back, retaking section of the Borderlands, and the muada ceased their attack for a time. But only for a time. Within 5 years, they began raids and attacks again. Twenty seven years after Unification, Commander Chaka of the former Steel Kingdom, conceived and began building a curtain wall that would stretch the whole length of the River Ora. A long ribbon of stone that would be easily defended Austur should any muada get past the various legions posted north of the river in the Borderlands. Chaka's Curtain would be completed by 586AS. Within another fifty years, it was decided that the Borderlands could never be truly retaken and held safely, and the Mageguard were pulled back to defend The Curtain. All except three legions that would be kept to defend Northguard Keep on the northern side of the Septurn Bridge, the bridge itself, and the Southguard Keep on the Austur side. The border and the bridge were defended successfully against raid, attack and pitched battle for another two hundred years. Over this time, the muada never attempted to communicate or to explain their aggression. Their methods and tactics, such as they were never seemed to change, but their technology and skills did. Whether naturally, or by learning from their remnants of Septur, they developed metal technology. They still used this primarily for the crafting of metal knives instead of stone, but they also created simple leather belts and decorations and would carry many extra knives which they had learned to throw with incredible strength and precision. They had always been larger and far stronger than a human, able to move over land on their many tentacles with impressive speed, but they only got stronger and more skilled. By the 800s, the muada could move with incredible speed and agility over land, brandishing their steel daggers, great war cries bellowed from their huge gaping maws, and even without magic, a single pair could be a match for a whole unit of armoured Mageguard.