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The Dragonborn are a relatively young race in Askara, first appearing during the 3rd Era. Their appearance coincided with the first appearances of Dragons as well, and the two races have been at odds since. It is believed that the Dragons and Dragonborn originated from the same place, but where that place is or was is a mystery. Because of their rather sudden appearance in Askara, the Dragonborn do not have a "home nation". There is a slightly higher concentration of them on Osyra, but they can be found fairly scattered across the world.   There are two primary types of Dragonborn:
  • The Draconblood (side panel) are sophisticated wordsmiths who would much rather resolve a conflict with a war of words than physical altercations. They have long tails that they tote and garnish with eloquent accessories, as they believe it marks them as "True" Dragonkin.
  • The Ravenite Dragonborn (below) are much more hearty than their Draconblood cousins and lack a tail. Ravenite are usually looked down upon by Draconblood for this reason. Ravenite Dragonborn are much more direct both in their words and actions, and often can't be bothered with conversation.
  Like their larger counterparts, all Dragonborn have innate elemental affinities that enable them to channel said element into a breath of concentrated energy. Despite this gift, Draconblood see the use of it as barbaric, and rarely resort to such means. Ravenites see this ability as the true sign of their lineage and use the ability liberally in their travels.      
80 - 90 years
Average Height
Average Weight
250 pounds

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