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The Warforged of Askara were made, not born. Despite their "manufactured" origin, Warforged are very much sentient and thus are considered an established race of the realm. They were created in the now lost Kingdom of Cyre, with the purpose of serving as unstoppable soldiers in Cyre's army. The creation of the Warforged was immediately criticized by Cyre's neighbors and the nations of the realm at large. "Sentience was something reserved for the biologicals," they said.   After Cyre's collapse, the Warforged were set free of their servitude. Some stayed to serve under the new rule of the King of Valenar, while most set out to wander the world.  

A Dark Origin

The process of creating a Warforged was a dark secret that Cyre kept from the world. In order for a Warforged to be created, the soul of a living sentient creature had to be extracted and implanted into a Warforged body. The soul acted as a "power source", and became the foundation for the new creature's own sentience. However, this new Warforged retained no memories of their "previous self."   Obviously, finding volunteers for such an experiment proved difficult, so eventually, the Cyran government brought people in by force. Convicted criminals, outcasts, and even orphaned children were chosen as "volunteers" for the procedure, all in an effort to further build the Cyran war machine.   When the Valenar Elves were contracted to fight alongside the Cyran army, they quickly came to respect the Warforged people for their unshakable determination and fighting spirit, two values highly coveted in Valenar's warrior society. When King Vadallia learned the truth of the Warforged's origin, he and his warband turned on the Cyran Kingdom, toppling it and freeing the people.
Average Height
Average Weight
300 pounds

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