Weather Charts

Weather charts are a guideline to give you an idea of what the weather is like. For example, when a Druid asks you if there are any clouds to see if he can cast ‘Call Lightning’ and you had not thought of the weather.

To use the tables, roll once on each: Weather, Winds, Temperature and Precipitation tables. Adjust as necessary such as winds could dissipate fog and a clear day can make temperatures feel warmer during fall.

All tables are assumed for the location the players are currently in and are baselined for a full day. You may re-roll the table and use the Category Change column to adjust the weather for the next day or desired time period.

Of course, some modules or campaigns may call for specific weather conditions and, in those cases, use your judgement and see what best fits your needs. Also, these are random tables, and you may get rolls that do not make any sense such as pouring rain on a clear day. Again, as a good DM, use your judgement.



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