Welcome to Assëässe in Assëässe | World Anvil

Welcome to Assëässe


The world of Assëässe is a fictitious Medieval-Fantastic world set in the mid to late medieval ages. It is set at the intersection of multiple dimensions / planes of existence making improbabilities rich. From fending-off hordes during the yearly undead festival to asking favors directly from the gods, you are center-stage in beating your own path and influencing world events.  



This rich and colorful world is completely original and based on decades of storytelling, adventuring and dozens of player inputs. It is built on the premises of having a myriad of locations and micro-settings as well as easily allow tacking-on other existing settings for extremely powerful narratives. 


Being at the intersection of worlds, Assëässe is able to interact with other settings for many many cycles. Other areas of the world are directly influenced and subject to the physics and particularities of other dimensions. 

In plain words, the GM is are allowed to replace areas with other campaign settings or send characters to and from other systems and 'box sets' as long as it 'makes sense' and does not feel too much out of place.


  1. PC's actions are consequential: Player characters are meant to feel real and act real. If the players are clever enough or resourceful enough to leave their mark as much or as little as they want to, they are allowed to.
  2. The world balanced itself: Every action has a reaction. The world if full of inequalities and unfairness and never in perfect harmony. However if the scales are grossly tipped in a way, stuff is bound to fall off and approximately re-balance itself.


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