

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Masquerade Tattoo (Can change)
  • Constantly has a Goblet on back of right hand for identification between forms
  • Currently has Big Grunkle on bicep
  • Special abilities

    Shapeshift at will

    Mental characteristics

    Personal history

    Born to well off parents, their father being a human professor and their mother being a changeling. Changelings were not accepted by their society, Canvas had to be raised in secret until they gained full control of their shapeshifting ability, at the age of 10. Gaining an advanced education from their parents, and later private tutors, they devoped an interest in science, growing up tinkering with random gagets and doing small experiments for fun. Once day, when Canvas was 16, their mother fell extremely ill, on the verge of death. Seeing this, they turned their attention to the study of prolonging life. Believing that their mother was destined to succumb to her illness, Canvas instead turned to the study of preventing death entirely, gaining an interest in necromancy. Eventually, their research prior to necromancy lead to their mother gaining her health back, but the fear of death was firmly supplanted in Canvas's mind. Now scared of the idea of mortality in general, Canvas sought to further their education in necromancy. Hoping to apply to the Wizarding University in Ushad, Canvas sought the help of their father. A firm believer in higher education, he agreed to finance Canvas's education, on the agreement that they would graduate in a timely manner. After studying in Ushad for 2 and a half years, Canvas attended a research expidetion to an ancient ruin from several hundred years befor 0 ADI, where necromancers of the past gathered, Canvas discovered an intriguing tome hidden amongst the rubble. Seeing an opportunity to make a major discovery and cement their name in the history of necromancy, they took the tome for themselves in secret. Upon reading the tome, slowly translating it, Canvas realized it was a failed reliquary of a former lich who has long since passed. His sheer willpower kept the tome full of his magic, its pages shifting and reflecting its owner's knowlegde of the mystic arts. Seeing the tome as a far superior teacher than their professors, Canvas made a pact with the remaining sliver of the lich's soul, in exchange for revealing its knowledge of necromancy. After being discovered for stealing the tome, the school decided to kick Canvas out. Full of shame that they could not complete school, they decided to study on their own, proving themselves and their necromantic abilities before facing their father. They decided to pursue immortality, as that would surely cement their name in history and ensure that their father did not view their college experience as a waste. Having done their own research for years, they were extremely self confident in their own ability to discover the secret to immortality, developing a sort of god complex in the process.


    Ameteur necromancer



    Accomplishments & Achievements

    Medical research that helped save their mother 2 and three quarters years of study at the Wizarding school in Ushad Discovered a rare ancient tome

    Failures & Embarrassments

    Got kicked out of Wizarding school Feels they can't go back home until they prove themselves as a necromancer

    Mental Trauma

    Mom almost died, now scared of mortality

    Intellectual Characteristics

    Morbid curiosity in immortality

    Morality & Philosophy

    No Limits. Nothing should fetter the infinite possibility inherent in all existence. (Chaotic) Knowledge. The path to power and self-improvement is through knowledge. (Neutral) Self-Improvement. The goal of a life of study is the betterment of oneself. (Any) Control. One should have complete control of their own lives in every aspect


    Hiding their changeling identity

    Personality Characteristics


    Seeking immortality & becoming a major name in necromancy

    Savvies & Ineptitudes

    Good researcher Bad cook

    Likes & Dislikes

    Likes theater Hates religious zealots (especially those who have strong opinions about leaving the dead alone) Hates kids

    Virtues & Personality perks

    Single minded towards their goals (determined) High self confidence

    Vices & Personality flaws

    God complex Meddles in things that should be left alone Rash (does not think of the consequences of their actions)




    Social Aptitude

    Outspoken Dramatic


    Good table manners Changes their tattoos depending on the situation

    Hobbies & Pets

    Eap the bat (familiar) Theater kid

    Wealth & Financial state

    Cutoff from rich family, decent inheritance someday
    Chaotic Neutral
    Date of Birth
    March 18th 490 ADI
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    5' 10"
    ¯\ (ツ) /¯


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