Drow of the Moonbeam

The Drow of Moonbeam are a group of Drow that had escaped the Underdark, and had made refuge in Caliban Tor. These Drow have all taken the faith of either Eilistraee, the Drow Goddess of beauty, song, and freedom, or Bahamut, the Draconic God of Life and War. Most of these Drow follow Eilistraee. Over the last several hundred years, these Drow have escaped the Underdark near Caliban Tor, and were taken in as refugees. Following Eilistraee has allowed these Drow to blossom from cold, lost souls to a passionate people. The main cultural practice they do is the Moonwalk. During a full moon, stones in the river of Caliban Tor will light up, creating a glittering effect. All of the Drow then come out during the night to dance, sing, and perform for the whole night. All of the city is invited if they so choose, but the event is mostly spectated by others.


Beauty Ideals

Being connected to ones true appearence, embracing your form. Inner beauty and all that


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