

A diminuitive, raven-like, bipedal species. Their origins trace back to the Shadowfell, when they were created to serve an unknowable entity of the dark. They were given flight and a cunning befitting of their master's nature. Their ambition was so great that they attempted to betray their creator, to no avail. As punishment, they were robbed of their wings, their cunning, and voices. Banished into the material plane, they had no one to serve, and only survival in mind.

Existence in the Material Plane

Flocking together in small groups, kenku thrive in the hearts of cities, electing the largest and most experienced among them to lead. They survive by stealing, and spying on craftsmen to learn new skills and share amongst their commune. Shunned by most common folk as mere imitators, their perfect mimicry is at best good for forgery and second-class work.

The Curse Uplifted

Due to the actions of an unknown, ambitious kenku bard, a Wish spell rang across the material plane, regifting all kenku with their voices. This has led to them being shunned more by most societies, as many people find their true voices grating, and their new ambitions annoying and troublesome.


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