Navy Bones

Navy Bones

Mental characteristics

Personal history

  • Born on a Coastal Town.
  • 1 of 10 children. Parents died after 2 years as is customary.
  • Made a living fishing, along with family
  • Became bored after 2 years as is customary
  • -Enlisted as a deckhand on a trade vessel passing through.
  • Worked 6 1/2 years, working up to be a second-mate
  • Saved up enough to buy a brigantine for treasure hunting
  • For 15 years he sailed and treasure hunted, earned a moderate amount doing so.
  • Savings went into the business and brigantine (
  • While sailing the Assyrian coast for treasure, he was attacked by Seascorn pirates
  • -The crew was captured and he jumped off the Brigantine
  • Washed up on the shore of the jungle
  • In the jungle for 3 years, learned the Fae biz
  • Headed to Wild Man's Rest after exiting the Jungle
  • -At a tavern, won an ornate key from a group of drunk (very) hobgoblins. The next morning they would chase Navy Bones out of the town but lose track.
    -The key could lead to bigger stuff




  • Fisherman
  • Swabby
  • Third-Mate
  • Second-Mate
  • Captain

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Found many buried treasures
  • Bought and captained a Brigantine
  • Tamed wild beasts beyond the ken of man

Failures & Embarrassments

  • Lost The Brigantine to the pirate vortex

Mental Trauma

  • A little bit traumatized by the mutated pirates from the pirate vortex.

Intellectual Characteristics

  • Vehicles (water)

Morality & Philosophy

  • Be good to others but prioritize yourself first

Personality Characteristics


  • Finding out what the key unlocks
  • Vengeance for The Brigantine

Likes & Dislikes

  • Wildlife
  • Gambling
  • Fishing
  • Treasure
  • Pirates

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Gambling addiction
Neutral Good
Date of Birth
481 ADI


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