Nibella Vhisar

Nibella Vhisar

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall, very slender frame, with a very thick, rocky hide.

Body Features

Born with only 3 fingers on her right hand, that also sports extendable/retractable claws also only on that hand.

Facial Features

A stunted snout, with eyes that have 3 columns per eye, that are iridescent in colour. She also has 4 horns, 2 being about the same thickness as carrots, of which they are asymmetrical, the left horn being splintered in 2 places, whereas the right is splintered in but one. The two smaller horns are half the size of the main 2, and are not splintered.

Identifying Characteristics

Her claw and eyes, as well as a sort of spikey, turquoise crystalline growths running along the seperation of the 2 main horns.

Special abilities

Telepathy, Telekenisis, Flight (for a very limited time), and extendable claws.

Apparel & Accessories

She wears a dark beige robe over a very formal looking burgandy vest and skirt, adorned with Clubs, Hearts, Diamonds, and Spades.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born into the circus by two performers, she has only ever known the art of performing, though she took a particular interest in card tricks. As she matured, she also came to the realisation that these same tricks could be applied to plenty of card games, which, theoretically, could be a path to quick, if immoral, profit.This set her on a path that was practically entirely gambling. Whenever the circus closed up shop for the day, she would set off to find the nearest poker game, and join on in. Using very underhanded tactics, she usually cleaned most of these games out. Thankfully, because it is a travelling circus, this did not matter as they were usually long gone before anyone could do anything about it. She used this to her advantage for months, cleaning out table after table wherever she went, but almost never getting caught. This made her very confident and somewhat cocky, leading her to try her hand at a proper casino. She walked in, no less confident than she had been at any game prior, found a game and started playing. The confidence, while well founded, also proved perhaps detrimental, as after a few hands, she made a mistake, and was caught. She was paid out in the form of magic she couldn't control, and immediately sent out of the casino to angrily return to the circus. As they also confiscated everything she actually bet, she now had next to nothing to her name. Upon returning, she got into a massive argument with her parents, and felt a strange sensation taht she hadn't ever felt before. A sharp, piercing pain right in the center of her forhead. Her parrents were screaming at her, and practically told her that she is out of the circus, her home for 20 years, and she was just going to have to figure it out from there. This proved to her, that they had lost all respect for her as a person, and as such, she immediately dropped any respect she had for them as her parents. Previously, she had only ever called them by either their stage names, or mom and dad. She begins to refer to them by their first name, when there was a massive burst of light, followed by her mother simply dropping dead in front of her. At this point, the rest of the performers had gathered to see what the commotion was, and everyone had seen it. Her fate was sealed, and she was cast out of the circus with no chance of ever returning. She just started running, as fast as she possibly could.

Gender Identity





Being born in the circus, she never really had any formal education, besides what her parents taught her, which was reading and writing draconic, what travellers spoke and wrote, being goblin and common.


Circus performer, and card game extrodinare.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Fantastic Gambler.

Failures & Embarrassments

Accidentally murdered her mother in front of 7 people, who also just so happened to be part of her family in the circus.

Mental Trauma

She never planned to harm her parents, and when realising that she was the person behind her mother's death, became terrified of it happening to anyone else she might care about, and has effectively closed her emotions off from the world.

Morality & Philosophy

She tries to do her best to avoid violence, however is perfectly willing to cheat, lie, and steal to get ahead.

Personality Characteristics


Keep as far away as possible from the rest of the performers of the circus, and TRY and make back even a fraction of the money she lost.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Excells at card games, practically unable to do anything that requries any amount of physical strength.

Likes & Dislikes

She likes collecting rocks and naming them. She absolutely loathes losing with every fiber of her being.

Vices & Personality flaws

Chronic Gambler.


Tries to keep herself presentable, to the best of her ability.
Date of Birth
491 ADI
Current Residence
Doesn't have one.
Three distinct columns per eye, moving at differing speeds, both being iridescent
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
A deep, glossy translucent blue skin with turquoise highlights around the eyes, mouth, shoulders, and elbows.
Known Languages
Common, Draconic, and Goblin.


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