Tarvenius Belhor Jr

Tarvenius Belhor Jr (a.k.a. Tarvent)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall and hefty, takes up a lot of space.

Body Features

Other than typical Dragonborn features, he has one glaring exception. large wings that are a slightly lighter metal than the rest of his body's tint.

Facial Features

His jaw has been removed and replaced with a prosthetic made of black amethyst crystal, which has been bounded to his face as a replacement. Small nubs on the back of his head make for horn-like shapes.

Identifying Characteristics

His large size and massive wings make him hard to miss.

Physical quirks

The surrounding area from the jaw is rough and scarred from the injury that removed it in the first place.

Apparel & Accessories

Large armor and shield, to keep himself covered. Sometimes seen wearing amulets or other misc religious symbols.

Mental characteristics

Personal history


Gender Identity



Pansexual, love someone for who they are.


Tarvent finished his schooling requirement back home, but didn't go to any university after.


Tarvent did some small jobs after the conflict back home, cleaning jobs, taking care of shops after hours, that kind of stuff, but he couldn't focus his energy on one for long.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Helping to win the conflict against the Underdark was a huge deal, and Tarvents role was massive. His blessing by Bahamut was not big enough to sway a war on its own, but it certainly made a large impact. People in the city consider him a hero, though he does not.

Failures & Embarrassments

To Tarvent, his time in the conflict was all a failure, and not worth any of the praise he got. He was shot and wounded early on, bed-ridden for a week, and then blessed by a god "randomly" to start healing wounded. He thinks its unfair that he was chosen, and truly believes that anyone else would have been better. Seeing all of the people he couldn't save before he got the powers hammered this home.

Mental Trauma

Seeing people die is bad, seeing people die by giant spiders and cannons at the same time is worse. Seeing that happen to your best friend is probably THE worst. Tarvent has some pretty bad wartime PTSD.

Personality Characteristics


Tarvent has a few motivations for what he is doing. The main motivation for leaving home in general was to find the reason why he was chosen over all other dragonborn to be blessed by Bahamut. This still proves to be his primary goal, as he still has yet to get any hint to an answer. Long term, Tarvent would like to find a way to fully prevent any Underdark incursions from happening again in Caliban Tor, though that is a much larger task than one man can handle.


As clean as someone wearing heavy armor for 90% of the day can get. Takes good care of himself back home, though could definitely do with some better skincare routines.


Contacts & Relations

Back home, Tarvent has a select few friends that kept him social growing up.
Aprihl Kaxiris, was his closest growing up. She grew up very well off in the city, on the upper levels of The Line. Their friendship was born from their parents being friendly with each other before hand, so they knew each other from as early as they could remember. After the conflicts with the Underdark, Aprihl's opinion on Tarvent seemed to not be changed much at all, which is good news to him.
Ucid Draghull was someone Tarvent met during schooling periods growing up, and had grown a very wonderful friendship with. He was from The Retreat, and was a very spunky and fun friend to have around, always wanting to get into a little bit of playful mischief. When they both turned 15 and the Conflict broke out, they both had enlisted together, though unfortunately, Ucid did not make it out, and he died during battle.

Post Conflict
As said above, Aprihl Kaxiris is still around in Tarvents life at this point.
During the battles, when Tarvent was wounded himself and taking care of other wounded, one man he helped bring back to health was Belisarius. While Belisarius was in the medical ward for his lengthy recovery, he kept Tarvent in good company, and a decent friendship started to brew between the two of them. Once Tarvent was blessed with Clerical powers, he had healed Belisarius to accelerate his recovery, though that cut their bonding short, for the time being. All of that experience left a large impact on Belisarius.
Tarvent grew up on The Line, but growing up he very rarely attended any of the Drow's evening events. Once the fighting was over and celebrations were had almost nightly all over the city, he kept himself busy and attended most of their celebrations. One of these led to him meeting Mirae, a younger Drow lady. They spoke for hours on the edge of the tier under the moonlight about loss, joy, grief, the good things in life, all things Tarvent avoided thinking about for a while. It was an impactful day for him, and he would seek her out almost every celebration to chat and catch up, just to talk. They grew a close bond from it.

After Leaving
(this is where i will put mud meat once liquid is ready)
Seraphina, the Amethyst Dragon was who Tarvent left to go see originally. She was told to be an ally of the city, and someone who might have some ideas for how to fix some of Tarvents problems. While she provided little in the religious issues, she replaced Tarvents prosthetic completely, which was a massive help. Tarvent respects her a lot, though is not sure if he is just supposed to or if it is deserved.
Cronk o' Dar, one of the current party members with Tarvent, is one of his now good friends he met along this journey. He finds his personality unique and interesting, and though he seems to have his own fair share of problems, thinks he can overcome it.
Tarvent tolerates Mist, that's really it.
Gladia Fowler is someone Tarvent thinks very highly of, and he truly believes someone like her would be better off with his gift. He sees her as a beacon of joy and light, but choses to ignore when that is taken away with her fits of rage and anger.
Valenthe is someone Tarvent has enjoyed having conversations with, despite spending limited time with overall. He feels like he can share much of his home lifestyle with her and be met with an interesting conversation in return.
Tarvent is intrigued by Nulara, mostly by where she came from and that bit of mystery, but it's not something he has explored yet.
Tarvent truly believes taking Laurel and Jimmy on the boat with them was a mistake.

Family Ties

Father, Govener Draxse Belhor Sr.

Religious Views

While he used to not be dedicated to a god, since he has been blessed he has been fully dedicated to Bahamut and is fully in support of those beliefs.

Social Aptitude

While reserved, Tarvent can hold his own in any conversation fine.


When speaking for too long, Tarvent starts to fidget with his claws out of nervousness.

Hobbies & Pets

Along his journey, he has picked up a Psuedodragon who has yet to be named.

His main hobby consists of writing letters back home, and he does it frequently. He also recently took up cooking.


Tarvents speech is blunt and straight to the point most of the time, unless the subject is sensitive or the environment calls for something different. He gets pretty loud when he is passionate, but it's not too common to see.

Wealth & Financial state

Tarvent and his family is very middle class.
Neutral Good
Date of Birth
February 8th, 483
@Caliban Tor
Current Residence
@Caliban Tor
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
I cast Spirit Guardians :nerd:
Known Languages
Draconic, Elvish, and Common.


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