The Comet of Cassandora

Thousands of years ago, when Assyrian lands was naught but warring tribes and fertile soil, a great comet fell from the heavens, and smashed into the western coast. Carrying astral powers beyond the ken of the mortals of the time, it imbued a select few with the power to wield astral sorceries. Under the banner of these new sorcerers, the land was united by force and militaristic will, and opposing tribes were subjugated, driven out, or wiped out. The newly formed state would defend itself using the might of seasoned warriors, a powerful fleet, and potent offensive sorcery. The comet itself has been revered as the seat of power for generations, as the gift of astral sorcery was passed down by blood. The capital of Assandria was constructed over it, the castle encompassing the very crater in which the comet resides. To this day, the most powerful astral sorcerer takes the mantle of king or queen, and leads with militaristic might and magical prowess.


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