The Great Demonic Incursion

A short but widespread war that spanned the whole of the material plane. On the eve of a full moon, portals to the abyss opened up at random across the world, and hordes of demons spewed forth. Civilizations vanished in a matter of weeks, under the sheer weight of raw brutality. Despite their seemingly endless numbers, on the next full moon a month later, the demons were banished at once back to the abyss without explanation. The calamity claimed hundreds of thousands, though the true death toll has never been measured. Due to the briefness of the invasion, many civilizations were not affected. Calls for aid from neighboring nations would be answered, only to find no battle to fight. Despite being untouched by the demons, trade and global economy would be disrupted for centuries to come. Years after this would be referred to as ADI, and the years before as BDI.
Conflict Type
Start Date
Ending Date


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