

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Healthy, not too slim or thick

Identifying Characteristics

Always seen carrying a very ornate cane, despite not having any difficulties getting around.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Turpentine grew up on the road, being adopted by a master artificer going by the name "Ma Rune." Ma Rune ran a caravan, selling all sorts of trinkets and random gadgets that could do just about whatever. When he was around 15 or 16, he couldn't remember, Ma Rune had him employed as part of the caravan, acting as both a salesman and a guard if needed. Around his 17th "anniversary" of being adopted, he woke up one morning with the caravan being still and quiet. Ma Rune had disappeared in the night without a trace, leaving the wagon and a special mechanical horse known as Kait behind. He kept the pair, selling off what was left of her premade gizmos to anyone sucker enough to actually buy them without knowing what they did.      It didn't take long, roughly a year, for Turpentine to turn the caravan into a somewhat reliable courier service. Word had spread that he could get what you needed gone and delivered faster than the regulated couriers, and guaranteed it would actually arrive. This was in part to Kait, being mechanical she didn't require breaks as often as organics would, and also Turpentine spending time to train to actually guard the damn things he was delivering. He didn't ask questions on what needed delivered, just took the cash and instructions. This, unfortunately, would lead to him being somewhat cursed.   One such delivery happened to contain a powerful relic, and it whispered to him constantly day and night. Curiousity finally got to him and said artifact was a cane with a round jewel embedded in the head. It shifted colors from red to blue and back again, and the cane was provoking him to peer into it closer. Turpentine grabbed the cane to get a closer look and the voices roared into his head. It was definitely two individuals arguing, threatening to kill one another, saying they were the better brother. But they stopped, and knew they were being heard and watched. They peered into Turpentine's very being, asking them to be their "champion" and kill their annoying brother. The brothers tempted Turpentine with many rewards for slaying the other, but one stood out above the others. "We know where she is."


Ma Rune gave him a funny usb stick and he ate it


Caravan bodyguard/salesman turned courier

Accomplishments & Achievements

Owns a courier service, reliable in his work

Failures & Embarrassments

Loss of his adoptive mother, has technically only failed to deliver one package

Mental Trauma

Besides Ma Rune being gone and tormented by bickering powerful siblings, he doesn't show it

Intellectual Characteristics

Knows a lot about the road

Morality & Philosophy

Hey if it aint broke dont fix it

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Being good at deception is already a double edged sword

Likes & Dislikes

Likes being the center of attention sometimes, bit of a showoff. Dislikes avocados

Virtues & Personality perks

Willing to lend a helping hand

Vices & Personality flaws



Contacts & Relations

Had a one night stand with a tabaxi named Antonio, had really nice black boots and not a night goes by he doesn't think about him

Family Ties

Ma Rune: Adoptive mother

Social Aptitude

Overshares, makes up a lot of stories

Hobbies & Pets

Kait the automaton

Wealth & Financial state

Isn't too well off but can afford a day to day life
yellow cat eyes
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
spotted like a leopard
Known Languages
Common and Undercommon


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