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Astal An Ancient Land of War and Romance

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Astal is an ancient realm that has been highly volatile since its founding. Legend says that it was originally a swarming mass of Chaotic Natural Magic and beings from far off planes came and began to wage war for control of this great well of power with the material plane being formed from a long forgotten conflict between the elemental planes. Over the eons different factions have risen in pursuit of total dominance, and just as many have fallen after being plagued by unpredictable calamities. The ceaseless struggles have seen the realm brought to near extinction many times over. Currently the Realm is in hand of the Saiga Empire who have enjoyed a mostly peaceful 17 generations in the seat of power. However they have only grown weak after enduring a world altering event known by the scholars as “The Unraveling” and the threat of bloody conflict is at their doorsteps. Will there be heroes to rise to stop the chaos in its tracks, or will the realm be swallowed up in another realm shattering War.