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Aestus (A-stus)

Goddess of the moons, harvest, introspection, and enlightenment

Aestus is one of the more active gods of Astalia helping mortals crops thrive and flourish while also helping them get a better undersatnding of themselves and others. Those who've seen Aestus describe her as a pale younger woman with platinum white hair. Depending on the time of year they saw her she'd be wearing different clothes (work for summer and nice warmer clothing for winter). She is also described as a very upbeat and chipper goddess though can be very serious when the time calls for it.

Domains and Flavor

The domains associated with Aestus are light, twilight, and nature. Many clerics or worshipers of Aestus are monks or farmers. Almost everyone has prayed to Aestus at some point for guidance through troubling times.

Myths and Relationships

While Aestus is not the god of the seas, it is said she is the reasons for the tides. She and the god of the seas were married under Coranth, and had two children, Saltare and Vynaria.

Aestus is said to only appear to mortals through reflective surfaces though many claim they've seen her out in the fields with them picking crops on nights of the harvest moon, 3 full moons, and eclipses. Though all of these appearances are very rare.

Religious Influence

Agricultural areas worship Aestus due to her control over the harvest. Though it's not just farmers that pray to her, monastaries also find her important. The monastaries that focus on enlightenment and introspection have her as a patron diety.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A mirror with wheat used as a frame
Divine Classification
First Generation Goddess


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