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Amaris (A-mare-is)

God of young love and love at first sight

Amaris is an extremely active god in Astalia. He sets mortals on the path to love. She will make anything and everything happen to make sure the mortals they know love each other will cross paths. He then hopes Coranth will come in to keep them together. She's not a very often worshipped god though no one denies their importance. Those who've seen him described them as a smaller figure, typically covered in bright pastel clothing and are always wearing a bright smile to match.

Domains and Flavor

The domains associated with Amaris are Life and Peace. May worshipers of Amaris are those who long for love and have yet to find it or even those that want to spread love to all they meet.

Myths and Relationships

Amaris' love is overflowing and one day it manifested itself into Hosteen. Hosteen took on the atributes of how tricky love is to navigate though Amaris loves them all the same.

The most common myth surrounding Amaris is one of tragedy. Amaris fell deeply in love with a mortal and the mortal reciprocated this love. This love was truly meant to last forever, until it didn't. While the mortal grew older Amaris didn't and after thier lover died he swore off love for herself and comitted to helping all others.

Religious Influence

Amaris doesn't have much religious influence on the world so in return their temples are quite small.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Heart or locket
Divine Classification
First Generation God


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