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The God of Innocence, The Hunted

With parents that reigned over the sky and land, Asra saw much of the world. He saw how creatures treated each other, how mortals treated nature, and they started to advocate for the underdogs, those picked on unrightfully. It was the right thing to do in their mind. Soon, he became the proctector of the innocent. He himself is a large rabbit that carries a shield and wears a leather armor top. Not many have encountered or seen Asra but those who do report that they are serious and collected.

Domains and Other Flavor

Asra is often followed by clerics of the life, nature, and order domains. His holy symbol is a rabbit.

Myths and Relationships

Kenzo, the god of the land, and Tizoc, god of the sky, are their parents while Whist, god of the Hunt, is their younger sibling. He is often seen as the older uptight brother.

Religious Influence

Their holy symbol can be etched into buildings or small places to indicate safe houses for those who need care and protection.


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