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Day, Night, and Everything in Between

The day and night sky have a balanced unity with each other, but it was not always this way. Lielle, god of the sun/light, and Enki, god of the night and stars, have had a rocky relationship. Having to share the sky is a big task. It takes passing the orb from one to another. This action of the passing controlled how mortals planned their days and activities. It set up rhythmic days that everyone followed. While Enki was more of the collected one, tension grew between the two because each party found it hard to give up the sky orb. Seeing this Tizoc decided to step in by bringing Stasi who became the god of dawn and dusk, to help deliever the orb from one god to another.


Through Stasi, Lielle and Enki were able to get more along since they did not have to see each other as much. This action also coined Stasi as a being of hope and transitions. Enki being a god of knowledge and scholar, appreciated this sentiment and grew fond of Stasi. While Stasi only got to see the two gods twice a day, their fondness for Enki's scholarly pursits grew during their brief encounters.


They would soon cherish the time spent with each other in a different way and became partners, set to only see each other twice a day. Eventually, they would raise a child together, Nephila.


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