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Dhulwin (Dull-win)



Amelance is a region well known for the fine wine which is its main export, and its fancy dining. The people of Amelance are typically found to be a little snootier than others, Overcommon being their prefered language to speak. The capitol is Avingnon, a quite large city that is home to Duchess Agnes Dhulwin.


The people of Mycron are a very jovial bunch. The night life is always a sight to see in the big cities. It's also well know for its many artisan guilds, crafts being its main export. While every province has some, Mycron seems to have an abundance. The capitol of Mycron is Greenock which is truly party central. It's home to Duke Benjamin Dhulwin V.


The province of Jemst has a rich culture. Many people of the population flock to the towns built around oases to make a living working normal artisan jobs, or mining for gems, the main export, in the mountains. Some people choose a more nomadic lifestyle journeying through the desert typically accompanied by a dromedary. The biggest thing uniting everyone though, is everyone’s strong sense of loyalty to their family and close friends which arose from different climate restraints. The capitol of Jemst is Jeryk, a large city with a large bazaar. It's also the largest port city in Dhulwin and is home to Charles Dhulwin.


Blaind is a very agricultural province. The people of Blaind are very hard working and always willing to help a stranger in need. They're the good samaritan's of Dhulwin. Blaind's main exports are wheat and barley. The capital of Blaind is Bremen, the smallest of the capitals, home to Duchess Abigail Dhulwin.


This is specifically the province of Dhulwin, which shares its name with the country. The people of Dhulwin are a very stern folk and while not as snooty as Amelance, still prefer Overcommon. They're not the most welcoming to outsiders. Dhulwin's main export is lumber from the Kingswood. The capital is Tralee, which is also the capital city of the entire region, lending it to be the largest and most urbanized city. It is home to King Benjamin Dhulwin IV and Queen Eliza Dhulwin.


  • The King’s Wood —a big deciduous forest that houses smaller settlements and is a great source of lumber. It's located mainly in Dhulwin but also in part Blaind. There are also pleanty of other smaller forests.
  • The Glass Desert — a large desert covering the west coast covered in bright white sand
  • Triad Lake — A lake that spans over Amelance, Dhulwin, and Mycron. All three provinces often argue over who's water it really is. There are also plenty of other smaller lakes.
  • The Rocky Peaks- A large mountain range spanning from the north to south of Dhulwin. It creates the border between Jemst and Blaind. There are many settlements located in it as well as mountain passes.

Cities and Places

  • Tralee — Capital city of the region of Dhulwin and capital of the province of Dhulwin. It’s the largest city and very urbanized. The king and queen’s castle is located here. This is where you’d find many market stalls of farmers and artisans selling their wares. The starstone is also located here.
  • Avingnon — Capital city of Amelance-A very large city with many vineyards surrounding it. Well known for its wine. The Duchess’ estate is located here.
  • Jeryk — Capital of Jemst. The Duke’s estate is located here. Many bazaars line the streets. If you’re looking for something you can definitely buy it in Jeryk. And since it’s right on the coast it’s home to the largest port in Dhulwin.
  • Bremen- Capital of Blaind. The duchess’ estate is located here. It’s the smallest of the capitals and focuses heavily on its agriculture. It’s the least urbanized city, to make room for the many farms.
  • Greenock — Capital of Mycron. The duke’s estate is located here. This is a large and lively city. There always seems to be a party going on.Music can always be heard throughout the streets. People go here to experience the nightlife.
  • Fort Benjamin — The largest military base in Dhulwin. Located in the Province of Dhulwin Montrose — City in Mycron. Home to Mycron University, a large university that teaches anything from magic to business.
  • Sirym — A city in Jemst. A large mining city located in The Rocky Peaks.


The government is an absolute monarchy under the leadership of King Benjamin Dhulwin IV. It is by no means a very fair system of government for a fair amount of the citizens of the region which can and has led to civil unrest. The provinces, besides the province of Dhulwin, are ruled over by dukes and duchess that are related to the king in some form or fashion, though the kingship will always be passed down to the eldest child.

The Starstone

The starstone of Dhulwin, refered to as The Blackstone, is under lock and key. Only those authorized may enter the control room which is currently operated by the starstone scientist. The starstone allows Dhulwin to teleport any physical thing, including mortals, to anywhere in the Brights. The farther the distance the longer the teleportaion takes, though it's never longer than 10 minutes. When teleporting mortals, teleportation sickness is something to be wary of. The farther the distance one teleports the worse it is. Symptoms include naseua, migranes, vertigo, etc. for varying amounts of time depending on the distance.

Factions of Dhulwin

These are the biggest groups or factions of Dhulwin a character can choose to be a part of.

Crafter’s Guilds

Each province has its own array of crafting guilds (smith’s, alchemist, woodcarver’s etc.) On top of the province-wide guilds, there are Kingdom-wide guilds. These are very prestigious to be let into.

Starstone Scientist

The starstone scientists, currently led by Michael Krants, a Kalashtar. Their current goal, along with the rest of thier team is to expand the range of the starstone to the Gloom, lessen the sickness, and lessen the travel time.

The Revolutionists

A group of rebels spread throughout Dhulwin whose goal is to overthrow the Monarchy and put a democracy in place. Led by Lawrence Drast, a yuan-ti.

Knights of the Holy Order

Paladins that are typically Oath of Devotion or Crown that serve in the Kingdom’s military, led by Alice Drast, a yuan-ti.


The economy of Dhulwin is built heavily off of its trade with the outside. Dhulwin is typically used as a middle man for trade to other areas due to its Starstone. This of course comes with some tariffs. Dhulwin also trades its own goods making a profit from that as well. It tends to export crafted goods as well as agricultural exports due to its large amounts of farmland. It mainly gets imports from countries wishing to trade through Dhulwin as well as imports from Threshold to get ahold of Gloom resources. Each province has its own main export. Amelance: fine wine; Mycron: artisan goods; Jemst: gems/jewels; Blaind: barley and wheat; Dhuwlin: lumber.


All demographics are abouts and not absolutes any race can live anywhere. Player character races not present on this list can have a variety of origins and do not tend to be considered a unified culture or species. Custom lineages, however, are incldued in other. There is a population of about 75 million living in Dhulwin.


  • Elves — 20%
  • Humans — 15%
  • Half Elves — 15%
  • Genasi — 10%
  • Dragonborn — 10%
  • Other — 10%
  • Halfling — 10%
  • Gnome — 5%
  • Dwarf — 5%


  • Elves — 10%
  • Firbolg — 10%
  • Fairy — 10%
  • Harengon — 10%
  • Satyr — 10%
  • Other — 10%
  • Centaur — 10%
  • Tabaxi — 10%
  • Owlin — 5%
  • Goblin — 5%
  • Humans — 5%
  • Gnome — 5%


  • Dwarves — 25%
  • Goliaths — 20%
  • Orcs — 15%
  • Humans — 10%
  • Elves — 10%
  • Half-Orcs — 10%
  • Other — 10%
  • Minotaur — 5%
  • Kobolds — 5%


  • Leonin — 10%
  • Aarakocra — 10%
  • Yuan-Ti — 10%
  • Shifter — 10%
  • Loxodon — 10%
  • Tabaxi — 10%
  • Genasi — 10%
  • Humans — 10%
  • Other — 10%
  • Lizardfolk — 5%
  • Elves — 5%


  • Triton — 15%
  • Tortle — 15%
  • Humans — 15%
  • Elves — 15%
  • Vedalken — 10%
  • Other — 10%
  • Grung — 10%
  • Locathah — 10%

Important People of Dhulwin's Past and Present

All Dhulwins are High Elves. There are non-Dhulwin nobles from extended family allowing for the noble background.

War of the 5 Kings

  • King Benjamin Dhulwin(he/him) — King of Dhulwin during The War of the 5 Kings
    • High Elf — lived through whole war
  • King Hubert Mycron(they/them) — King of Mycron during The War of the 5 Kings
    • Human — died of old age; reign passed on to daughter Sarah Mycron
  • King Sean Blaind(he/him) — King of Blaind During The War of the 5 Kings
    • Halfling — died in battle; reign passed to son Liam Blaind
  • King Noor Jemst(she/her) — King of Jemst during The War of the 5 Kings
    • Triton — lived through whole war
  • King Jillian Amelance(she/her) — King of Amelance during The War of the 5 Kings
    • Leonin — died in battle; reign passed to child Marion Amelance

400 Year War

  • King Benjamin Dhulwin(he/him) — King of Dhulwin during The 400 Year War
    • High Elf — died of old age; reign passed onto son Benjamin Dhulwin II
  • King Misha Mycron(She/her) — King of Mycron during The 400 Year War
    • Half-Elf — died of old age; reign passed onto daughter Daphne Mycron
      • Died of old age; reign passed onto child Jordan Mycron
  • King Saoirse Blaind(She/her) — King of Blaind during The 400 Year War
    • Halfling — died in battle; reign passed onto son Rupert Blaind
      • Died of old age; reign passed onto son Daniel Blaind
        • Died of old age; reign passed onto daughter Aisling Blaind
  • King Azade Jemst(They/them) — King of Jemst during The 400 Year War
    • Triton — died of old age; reign passed to son Omar Jemst
  • King Jameson Amelance(He/him) — King of Amelance during The 400 Year War
    • Leonin — died of old age; reign passed to son Jameson Amelance II
      • Died of old age; reign passed to daughter Lillian Amelance
        • Died of old age; reign passed to daughter Bree Amelance
  • Deryk Masters(He/him) — Lead archeologist that uncovered the Starstone
  • Sylvia Chambers(She/her) — Lead scientist that discovered how to use the Starstone

Post 400 Years War

  • King Benjamin Dhulwin II(He/him) — first King of the country of Dhulwin
  • Queen Selah Dhulwin(She/her) — first Queen of the country of Dhulwin
  • King Benjamin Dhulwin IV(He/him) — current King of the country of Dhulwin
    • General population view — negative
  • Queen Eliza Dhulwin(She/her) — current Queen of the country of Dhulwin
    • General population view — negative
  • Duke Benjamin Dhulwin V(They/Them) — current Duke of Mycron
    • Eldest child and next in line for the throne
    • General population view — neutral
  • Duchess Agnes Dhulwin(She/her) — current Duchess of Amelance
    • Sister of Benjamin Dhulwin IV
    • General population view — neutral
  • Duke Charles Dhulwin(He/Him) — current duke of Jemst
    • Brother of Benjamin Dhulwin IV
    • General population view — negative
  • Duchess Abigail Dhulwin(She/her) — current Duchess of Blaind
    • Daughter of Benjamin Dhulwin IV
    • General population view — positive
  • General Alice Drast(She/her) — Knights of the Holy Order leader of Dhulwin; Yuan-ti
  • Commander Konnor Mayret(He/him) — Military leader of Dhulwin; Hobgoblin
  • Michael Krants(They/Them) — current leading starstone scientist; Kalashtar
  • Lawrence Drast(He/him) — Leader of the Revolutionist; Yuan-ti

Articles under Dhulwin


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