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Goddess of the night, stars, specialized knowledge, and prophecy

It is natural for the sapient races to frequently stare at the stars and ask, why are we here? What do we have to learn? And sometimes, that darkened night sky whispers back. That is the voice of Enki, the goddess of the night and the celestial bodies that hang within it. She, as the ruler of the fabric and star-rhinestones of the darkened sky, knows each star by name and the exact space that resides between each one; she is a retainer of specialized and niche knowledge and a protector of those who seek such knowledge. This gift for seeing patterns in the sky has also allowed her some power over prophecy, being able to determine some events of the future just simply by listening to the knowledge the stars have to say.  

Domains and Flavor

Enki takes part in the domains of Knowledge and Twilight. She is not picky with who she gives knowledge to; ask, and you shall receive an answer - knock, and the door will be opened for you. Folks who either struggle with retaining knowledge or fail out of school but still desire to harness the power of magic without going down the route of wizardry make Celestial warlock pacts with Enki. She shares truth with them, as well as with clerics who protect and serve the patchwork quilt of the night sky.   Enki is typically depicted as a dark elven woman, skin black as the night, with little flecks of white like the stars dotting her skin. She wears her white hair in ornate braided patterns and often wears a regal white or pale blue gown. Her holy symbol is that of one open eye with a star as the pupil.  

Myths and Relationships

Enki is the partner of Stasi, the deity of dusk, dawn, and transitions.   She was created by Kazja when the First Generation arose.   Enki is the mother of Nephila, who helped her weave the fabric of the sky. Nephila was banished from the skies when she changed Enki’s weaving without permission.   Enki does not typically step down to the material plane, but gives advice to her devotees in quiet whispers and contemplative moments. Sometimes it can be hard to discern her voice from the chaos of the rest of the world, but when possible, it is always beneficial.   Enki has been known to frequently interact with her followers through such whispers, but as her following base has grown, she hasn’t been able to keep up with delivering her messages to everyone. Oftentimes she will choose followers to be her messengers, whom she takes up to the stars and teaches them the ways of the cosmos. These messengers tend to be more devout followers of Enki, though sometimes it seems like they are chosen at random and taken from the material plane. Enki has called so many to her side to assist her in message delivery that the phrase, “Enki has called [a person] to the stars” is often spoken as a euphemism for death. These messengers help deliver the divine sayings of Enki to those who need it. It has been said that shooting stars in the night sky are the messengers of Enki dashing across the cosmos to deliver sayings.  

Religious Influence

Enki has had heavy religious influence on the Warka Academy, most of the libraries in the institution being dedicated to her. Many other schools and universities include a temple or shrine to Enki on campus. She is also the patron of the Sarcedos Hall, a religious sect of prophets within Warka.


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Aug 14, 2022 16:08
