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History of Kurgal


The Arrival

  "In those distant days, in those remote nights, in those distant years; in days of yore when the heavens had been separated from the earth, when the fame of mankind had been established..." - Opening lines to the Song of Patraz   Few records remain of the Kengir civilization, the culture which preceded the building of The Tower. The cities of the Kengir were among the first founded in the Vestiges, and traditional mythology names a number of heroic ancestors from which the most prestigious houses of Kurgal claim descent. Their culture flourished for a millennium, until the Arrival.   A gate to the Abyss opened beneath Kengir, and from it, an endless tide of demons emerged. Seeing the disaster, the gods assembled their armies and marched on the Abyss, waging war against the demons. Just as the tide began to turn, their attention was suddenly called away. Enki and Nephila discovered the missing elves in Tel'Pennalilt, and called away the other members of the pantheon. Seven archangels were ordered to remain behind and continue managing the war against the Abyss, 6 of the second generation led by 1 of the first generation.   Without the sheer might of the gods in their wake, the demons attempted to regain the upper hand, but many of their number were slain in the first phase of the conflict. The war lasted for a century, and utterly destroyed the thousand-year old civilization of Kengir. Cities were razed, people were slaughtered, and there seemed to be no end in sight. The Celestials and Fiends were locked in a stalemate, neither side able to fully overcome the other.   Finally, the remaining four archdemons attempted to flee to the Abyss, but discovered they could not. Desperate, they sent a messenger to the angels seeking a truce. When the archangel Ascanius tried to return to leave the mortal realm and seek the gods' opinions on the truce, he found that they too were unable to leave. For reasons which countless scholars have sought but failed to find, both the remaining demons and celestials were trapped in Kurgal.  

Pact of the Three-Fold World

  "Our war is not ended. But the war of All Against All is over. It began here, and it died here. With us." - Ascanius of the North Quarter   Multiple times, some of the gods attempted to intervene, hoping to retrieve their archangels, but others were wary of the possibility of being trapped. Others insisted that this was a benefit, and that the presence of the archangels would keep mortals safe. After much debate and discussion, Lielle communed with her archangel, Abraxas, who was the leader of the expedition. Under his insistence that the archangels be allowed to finish the fight, the gods agreed to leave Kurgal under their supervision, with the sworn mission to end the conflict and drive out the remaining Fiends, after which they would find a way to return home.   After the end of the war, 7 days passed, before finally, the two sides sent representatives to properly broker a truce. This truce, called the Pact of the Three-Fold World, was meant to ensure the remaining Celestials and Fiends did not eradicate each other or what remained of the people of Kengir while trapped in the Material Plane. The Celestials saw this as a temporary measure, in order to regain their strength, while the demons believed it to be an opportunity to build a new home for themselves in the mortal plane. A neutral ground was established on the site of one of the former Kengir cities, and the land was divided. The Celestials were permitted to build in the Brights, the Fiends were permitted to dig beneath the Gloom, and mortals were granted the surface land itself.   Under the Pact, direct conflict between Celestials and Fiends was strictly forbidden, as a way of preserving the lives of mortals who remained. However, either by intent or by mistake, the Pact did not account for the role of mortals. While the factions could not fight each other, no such restriction prevented mortals from taking action against them. As such, the two groups began to focus on influencing mortals, winning them over to support their side in this life and the next, in anticipation of another great war.  

Fall from Heaven

  "Better to reign in Hell, than to serve in Heaven." - Abraxas the Arrogant, Lord Seventh   Not all parties consented to the pact. Of the Celestials, three archangels voted against the pact: Angra, Amatsu, and Abraxas. Though they were ultimately outvoted, the three continued to agitate for resuming hostilities. As the leader of the expedition, Abraxas maintained that their sworn duty was to expel the demons, and any delay was a rebuke of the gods. Angra and Amatsu concurred, but while the other four shared some misgivings, they ultimately came to the conclusion that any further conflict would be disastrous.   The Fiends had no such qualms, and quickly agreed. When the demons (save Wechuge) agreed to the signing of the pact, and became evident that the other archangels would honor it, the trio became furious. Spurred on by Abraxas, the three rejected the Pact and led their own rebel forces into Kursig to wipe out the Fiends. Though outnumbered, the three were fierce fighters, and continued to push deeper and deeper into the undercity. At last, the demons made an ultimatum to the Celestials-- honor the pact and help cast down the rebel angels, or see the return of war.   Debate broke out among the Celestials, but one fact still remained. Mortals lived in the Gloom, and though the rebel angels may find victory with their aid, if hostilities re-emerged, the consequences for those mortals would be disastrous. Eventually, the remaining four were forced to aid the Demons in repelling and defeating the other three. After a long and difficult battle, they escaped by digging deeper into the Gloom, creating their own levels of Kursig.   Feeling betrayed by their fellow archangels and abandoned by the gods, the three rebels rejected their former roles. With the corruption accumulated from demonic blood and their own sentiments of betrayal, the three and their followers transformed into archdevils, naming themselves Lords of their own circles of Kursig.  

The Fiends Unite

  "I couldn't care less what they call themselves-- a fallen angel is an angel still!" - Yama the Avaricious, Lord Third   While the new devils were enemies of the Celestials, the already-established demons did not consider them allies. Many Fiends were slain during their crusade as renegade angels, and the upstart Devils, by building their circles below the other four, controlled the only route to expansion. Meanwhile, the Celestials had no such impediment, and began construction of their own great tower, Satu, a process which would take nearly a thousand years to complete.   Tensions rose higher as the demons began to demand that the devils sign the Pact, to which they ardently refused. It seemed that war was on the verge of breaking out yet again, until at last, Abraxas, the leader of the devils, agreed to sign the Pact if they signed a treaty of his own. The Fiends would operate under a mutual treaty of cooperation, in which Abraxas would act as their leader in negotiations with the Celestials, who acted more as a council of four. A strict hierarchy would be established in Kursig, one where Abraxas and his fellow devils were at the top of the food chain.   The treaty was rejected outright, and the Demons prepared to march on the lower circles, until Abraxas approached Morrigan in secret. Serving under the Demons was a profoundly unattractive concept to most-- they treated their mortal allies poorly, and the afterlife promised only suffering as a reward. Furthermore, even the most morally bankrupt mortal could see that there was simply no benefit to serving Demons. Though the Celestials demanded rigid moral perfection, it took more effort to be actively evil than to simply be good enough.   Abraxas presented a different approach to the Demons-- offer the mortal what they wanted in this life. He advised Morrigan to transform the First Circle into a playground, give them their desires and let them slowly sink into their ranks. After doing so, more mortals came to Kursig than ever before, and the armies of the Demons swelled. Seeing the value in his advice, Morrigan slowly made moves to whisper in the ears of the other archdemons, and one by one, convinced them to accept the treaty. In turn, the devils agreed to honor the Pact, though they were not official signatories yet. The demons and devils united forces as Fiends, and adopted a new, more subtle approach to recruiting mortals, seeking to appeal to their wants.  

The Fiend War

  "Under Wechuge, I was a commander of 20 legions. Under Abraxas, I'm a lowly grunt. I'm a demon, and even I think that's unfair." - Unnamed Quasit   Despite the agreement of the archdemons, lower ranking demons continued to resent the imposed hierarchy of the devils. Under this system, they felt that they endured the worst, being forced to obey a strict system of laws and hierarchy that they barely understood. At the very least, archdemons continued to enjoy their position of supremacy, but regular demons were assigned arbitrary ranks, when they previously were bound to the rule of the strong.   While the two factions did not openly engage in hostilities, a conflict known as the Fiend War began to emerge, particularly in the Fourth and Fifth Circles where the demon realm borders the devil realm. Lesser Fiends began to group together in gangs for protection from what they perceived as threats to their status, and these gangs fought for control of various institutions in Kursig, seeking to expand their faction's influence. The archdemons and archdevils paid little mind to the conflict, seeing it as a positive to encourage their minions to plot against their rivals without needing to engage in outright war. For the mortal inhabitants of Kursig, however, the Fiend War made for difficult living situations, resulting in extortion brackets and gang violence in populated sections of the Undercity.   The Celestials, seeing this as a natural consequence of living in Fiend-ruled territories, declined to intervene in any way, only protecting Satu and Kengir. But, as a place where all needs were provided for by Fiends seeking to tempt souls, Kursig was exceptionally attractive to the impoverished and hungry. Simply living in Kursig did not lead to damnation, and if one managed to reject fiendish pacts or influence, they could live safe and happy lives in even the more dangerous Circles.  

The Rise of Satu

  "We breathe now, in Royalty, and reshape this land which is ours. We do this for you, people of Kengir, for We love you." - Azarah of the West Quarter   Satu, while not plagued by the Fiend War, was not without its own problems. The great tower began construction in the early days of the Pact, briefly interrupted by the rebellion of Abraxas. It was completed a thousand years later, built atop the ruins of the ancient Kengir city-state which served as the first battlefield between the gods and the Abyss. The tower was divided evenly into four quarters, each one ruled over by the archangels who survived the war. Each quarter was meant to be a home for masters of certain trades-- the East Quarter for artists, the South Quarter for warriors, the West Quarter for artisans, and the North Quarter for scholars.   It was a much more welcoming destination than Kursig, especially in the early years of Kurgal, but issues slowly began to emerge. The division of the quarters was very strictly enforced. If a resident expressed an interest in both blacksmithing and painting, they had to commit to one quarter and be denied access to the other. Furthermore, the law was held in the utmost importance, particularly in the North and South Quarters. Even minor infractions were met with strict punishments from the Celestial host.   Any mortal residents of Satu, upon reaching the age of adulthood for their race, or after moving to Satu, entered mandatory military service. Given their lack of presence in Kursig, they were mostly compelled to go adventuring in the countryside of Kengir to hunt monsters or put down Fiendish cults. But many others were simply left in the position of guards and police around Satu, and while the upper city prided itself on virtue, corruption still managed to fester in the ranks. While any discovery of illicit actions were highly illegal, the archangels are not omnipotent, and many abuses of power slipped through the racks.   With the advent of the Fiends uniting, Kursig rapidly began to eclipse Satu as a popular destination for migrants to the city. Punishments were rare in the Undercity, and the needs of all mortal residents were provided for, whereas they were expected to make or buy their own food and shelter in the Tower. Furthermore, Kursig lacked the rigid caste system of the quarters, and migrants were free to move between the Circles as they desired. The rising popularity of Kursig only led to the archangels tightening their grip on the society of Satu, and some even began to move from the upper city to the Undercity.  

Amiran's Prophecy

  "When Heaven's bearing should turn to sin   And Hell's darkness grows bleaker still   Two children born of different kith and kin   Shall bring better days by their will" - Prophecy from the Amirani Cycle     On the same day of the same month, in the same year at the same time, two children were born, one in Satu and one in Kursig. One was an Aasimar, the other a Tiefling, and the two of them would lead to great change in Kurgal. According to legend, their birth was foretold in ancient prophecies of Kengir. However, scholars disagree on their legitimacy, some claiming that they were fabricated after their rise to prominence to present legitimacy.   Reflet of Isin was born to a well-established family in the South Quarter of Satu. The Isin family served in the guard of Satu for generations, claiming to descend from an ancient house of a Kengir city-state. Reflet, like all the members of her family, was trained from birth to serve as an elite captain of the guard, and, after coming of age, swore a vow to serve in the guard until death, beyond the service requirement of a year.   Daraen Kurys was born in the Fourth Circle of Kursig. At an early age, his parents were killed in a Blood War skirmish, and he was sent to an orphanage. While still a child, Daraen joined a Devil gang in the Fourth Circle, the Redrunners, starting with acts of petty thievery, and eventually working his way up to lieutenant.  

Reform and Revolution

  "For as much as you seek to return to Heaven-- look around you! You could have created paradise on earth, yet corruption and sin rule here, in the very palaces of angels! Are you not servants of the divine? If it is their justice you seek to enact, then begin with your own house!" - Reflet of Isin addressing the Four Heavenly Princes   During her time with the guard of Satu, Reflet became increasingly frustrated with the corruption in the ranks, and the abuses of power by her fellow guards. Her complaints fell on deaf ears, and witnesses for reports mysteriously vanished or became unavailable to her. She even went so far as to call on Aruna themself, but the archangel was preoccupied with containing the Fiend War, and made no effort to hear out Reflet.   Finally, she attempted to denounce the guards in the midst of the Western Market, and called on the people to help bring an end to the corruption. She was promptly arrested and dishonorably discharged. While imprisoned, Reflet continued to pen letters to the people of Satu, denouncing what she saw in her time with the guard, and accusing the archangels of abandoning their flock. Her writings increasingly drew attention at home and abroad, and eventually she was broken out of prison by sympathizers.   Initially chiding her supporters for the breakout, she went on to name her most trusted inner circle as the Knights Paravant inspired by the Dreaming Knights of Imori, and dedicated them to cleansing the Satu guard of its corrupt elements. House Isin disowned Reflet, but she continued to lead her followers in fights against the guard, while attempting to draw the attention of the archangels. Finally, after a very public clash in the North Quarter, Reflet was captured once more, and brought to trial before the Four Heavenly Princes themselves.   At her trial, she delivered an impassioned speech, accusing the archangels of ignoring their earthly supporters for their goal of returning to the gods. Reflet warned the Celestials that if they continued to ignore the plight of mortals, they would eventually be overcome by the Fiends, and all hope for the triumph of good over evil would be lost. After a week of deliberation between the Princes, Reflet was called back to their meeting hall, and, surprisingly, acquitted of all charges.   Led by Ascanius, the archangels agreed that they had little understanding of the needs of mortals, and could not be everywhere at any given time. They appointed Reflet as their representative, and gave her authority to enact the reforms she desired, with oversight from the Princes. Mandatory military service was ended, replaced with a volunteer force, and heavily vetted by the Knights Paravant. Corrupt guards were fired and prosecuted for their crimes, and reparations were made for victims of extortion.   Most importantly was the loosening of the caste system-- free travel between the quarters was made legal for all, and the code of laws was revised to cut some of the harsher punishments, and seek alternative methods of rehabilitation. House Isin attempted to reinstate Reflet, but she refused, choosing to remain outside of the influence of House politics.  

End of the Fiend War

  "Come on, you think that mortals are going to follow you into hell when you've wasted centuries getting them killed in the crossfire? Demon! Devil! Who cares?! The real enemy lives upstairs!" - Daraen Kurys to the Redrunners and the Tnugdali   The Fiend Wars were an especially chaotic time to live in Kursig, but at the same time, it was a time of great opportunity. Gangs presented social mobility for mortals, who had no other way to climb the Fiendish hierarchy outside of death and rebirth as a demon or devil. Daraen was one of many Tieflings who lost their homes or families in the crossfire of the war, and had no options but to attempt to raise their own standing. Despite these efforts, he continued to resent the needless carnage left behind by the feuds.   Secretly, he began corresponding with the Tnugdali, a demon crime family that operated in the Fifth Circle. Feeling that the Redrunners were in a position of weakness, he offered them intel on the gang's operations in the hopes of finally bringing about an end to the war. However, in the midst of writing one such letter, he was caught by another Redrunner lieutenant. He rapidly explained that he was in fact, spying on the Tnugdali by giving them false information.   As a result, Daraen was now in correspondence with both groups, as a double agent for both sides. Daraen began to play the groups off each other, staging conflicts away from highly populated areas, and ensuring that neither side made too much progress in their goals. Finally, he settled on an ambitious plan, and arranged for both gangs to show up, unarmed, at an abandoned theater in the First Circle.   When both parties arrived, before hostilities could break out between them, Daraen revealed himself and his deception. Before hostilities could break out against him, he desperately attempted to sway them to his side. Citing the success that Morrigan found in the First Circle after changing approaches, the fact that both parties were suffering under the imposed hierarchy, and the alternative-- Satu, which had been ignored by the Fiends since the first arrival of the devils, he slowly began to win them over, and finally, brokered a peace between the gangs.   One by one, Daraen's message began to spread to the gangs of the other Circles, and while some continued to fight, all groups were exhausted by war with each other, and were increasingly looking to Satu as a place of plunder. Though it was him who first turned them to the surface, this was a move done mostly in desperation, and Daraen, in truth, did not seek a war with the Celestials. The situation, however, rapidly began to spiral out of his control, particularly after news of the demilitarization began to trickle down, and the lesser Fiends began agitating for war.  


  "While we sit here, in our high chairs atop our mighty tower, those below us grow in number and strength. What good will our walls prove when the enemy outnumbers us 10 to 1? The only way to ensure our safety is to strike first!" - Viaur of Kutha   Though their worst internal problems were alleviated, a reemergence of hostilities threatened the fragile peace between Satu and Kursig. The tensions were primarily driven by the lesser Fiends, frustrated with their low position in the Fiendish hierarchy, spurred on by the desperate gamble of Daraen. Conservative voices in Satu, already dissatisfied with the state of affairs under Reflet, decried the weakening of their guard just as the Fiends began to agitate for war.   Neither the archangels nor the archfiends desired a return to war. The archangels felt they were outnumbered and unprepared, while the archdevils and archdemons still feared betrayal from the other faction. But nonetheless, the rank-and-file soldiers of their respective territories began to agitate for a resumption of hostilities. By the law of the Pact, they would be bound to help subdue any attempts, though all parties feared what such a retaliation would lead to. Finally, Abraxas summoned Daraen to the Seventh Circle, and threatened that if he did not find a way to stop this, he would be subjected to the worst torments the Hells had to offer.   Daraen, left with few options, needed to come up with a solution. In desperation, he sent a letter to the recently appointed Reflet, seeking an audience. While Reflet succeeded in pushing through many of her reforms with the backing of the Four Princes, conservative elements in Satu continued to rattle sabres in anticipation of a new war. In an effort to stop hostilities from breaking out, she agreed to meet with him. The two met on neutral ground in the town of Zabala in Kengir, accompanied by guard parties.   The two would engage in private negotiations for a week, while their guards remained camped outside the meeting hall. Finally, towards the end of the week, a general of Satu, frustrated with the lack of progress, barged in on one of their meetings. He found the two of them locked in a kiss, which was rapidly broken when the general was noticed. Word spread like wildfire, and while the soldiers of the factions were outraged, the people of Kengir would be the ones to bring an end to the hostilities.  

Reaffirmation of the Pact

  "And at this time, where covenants are made, I hereby affirm, as Lord of the Seventh, that the Devils shall honor the Pact, same as the Celestials and Demons, and this oath shall be kept forevermore." - Abraxas the Arrogant, Lord Seventh   Kengir, from its placement between the tower of Satu and the undercity of Kursig, enjoyed a position of neutrality between the two cities. Though they enjoyed neither the luxury of Kursig, or the safety of Satu, they were not bound to the laws of either side, and could move between them freely. In addition, they were not subject to the machinations of fiends, or to the strict order of the Tower. Many lived in Kengir, but would travel to either the Upper City or the Undercity for work or trade. As such, news and gossip often traveled with them.   Despite Reflet's initial command to keep the matter silent, word quickly spread in the town hosting them. Travelers from Zabala spread the word to other settlements in Kengir, and eventually, Satu and Kursig. The matter quickly drew the interest and attention of the mortals, who saw Reflet and Daraen as "one of them", as opposed to the pure Celestials and Fiends. Rather than diminish their popularity, the news actually bolstered it, and many saw their relationship as a healing of the long-standing wounds in Kurgal.   With their relationship (more of a brief dalliance at this point) exposed, and infuriated soldiers at their backs, the two were forced to make a move. Addressing both of their armies, the two announced that they would be wed, as a way of reassuring peace between their two lands. Before anyone could object, Morrigan and Azarah, who had just learned of the rumor, arrived to give their public approval and blessings. With their initial outcry silenced by an archangel and an archfiend, the soldiery swung to support the relationship, and much celebration was had.   A wedding ceremony was held in the Zabala hall where the two first met. Many of the archangels and archfiends were in attendance, though some refused. Of the archangels, Ascanius and Aruna did not show, and of the archfiends, Wechuge, Wosa, and Angra were not present. The wedding was a public event that drew great celebration and attendance from the mortals of Kurgal, and it was here that the Princes and Lords in attendance announced a reaffirmation of the Pact. Abraxas even went so far as to officially become a signatory to the Pact, formally bringing the devils into the fold. The tension between Satu and Kursig was finally eased, and for 20 years, peace reigned in Kurgal, a period known as the Peace of Zabala.  

Peace of Zabala

  "Peace? You suggest things have ended. Nothing ever ends." - Reflet of Isin to a reporter   While, for the most part, the threat of war was settled between the Fiends and Celestials, the so-called "Peace" was not without its own struggles. Though it was their union that united the Tower and the Undercity, the marriage between Reflet and Daraen was highly unstable. Their arguments and relationship troubles became popular gossip among the people of Kurgal-- even the birth of their child did little to bring them closer together. Finally, 5 years after they were married, the two divorced. The break-up was a blow to the unity established between Satu and Kursig, though the vocal support of the archangels and archfiends prevented the outcry from leading to renewed hostilities.   Barely a year after the birth of their child, Kurgal's longtime ambassador to the Skyward Citadel, a particularly litigious devil by the name of Azazel, was banished to the Hells. The details of the incident remain hazy, but Kurgal found itself without a liason to the Diplomatic Ring. After a visit to the prison city of Hazendon, Reflet began to feel that Kurgal was not properly exerting its influence in the rest of the world, and volunteered. While talented, this meant Reflet was now pulled away from Kurgal for many months in the year, and more and more she was forced to delegate her duties in Satu to the Knights Paravant.   Initially, the Knights Paravant were composed of Reflet's inner circle and closest supporters. As a way of appeasing the discontent nobles, Reflet welcomed them or their children into the ranks of the Knights. Many of the newcomers were ambitious nobles who sought methods of political advancement, alienating the old guard. Many of the original Knights resigned, seeing their mission as completed, leaving toadies and schemers as Reflet's primary council. While she continued to push for some of her less-popular reforms, many of her efforts were stymied by the Knights, and with Reflet now pulled away into the Skyward Citadel, they became the ruling body of Satu in her absence.   Though the Fiend War was ended, the gangs of demons and devils persisted. Without the initial drive of feuding amongst themselves, the gangs began to involve themselves in traditional crime and extortion in their various circles. Outright violence was less common, but they continued to struggle for supremacy among the Circles of Kursig. The archfiends did little to stop this, seeing their role as having been fulfilled with the marriage of Reflet and Daraen, and the general absence of law meant most gang activities continued unabated.  

The Grey Court

  "We of the Grey Court, denounce the unjust rule of Celestials and Fiends over the free people of Kengir. The slavery under which you toil is built upon false pretenses-- we call upon the people of this land to join us in breaking our shackles and ending the rule of the immortal over the mortal!" - Recruitment poster for the Grey Court   Though some insist that the Peace of Zabala continues, most agree that it ended with the advent of the Grey Court, a mysterious faction which opposes both the Celestials and Fiends. The Court claims to support the restoration of the rule of mortals in Kengir, and advocates the overthrow of archfiend and archangel alike. They first made their presence known when a temple in Satu was set aflame, and mysterious recruitment posters began to appear in both Satu and Kursig.   The Court is highly controversial in all the realms of Kurgal, some see them as a group of terrorists, others see them as liberators. Thousands of years passed since the Pact of the Three-Fold World, and the original oath of the archangels, to purge the demons then leave, has gone unfulfilled. Many argue that the Grey Court is divinely inspired, and that the gods are finally taking action to right the long-standing planar incursion. Others denounce them as radicals and terrorists, who employ brutal tactics against anyone who supports the status quo.   Both factions have strongly denounced the Grey Courts activities, with Reflet outlawing their presence in Satu, and Angra calling for bounties on any member of the Court. Their actions are considered criminal in both the Tower and the Undercity, with numerous instances of public attacks, assassination, and destruction of property to their name. Despite this, they have enjoyed some level of support in Kengir, where their activities are quietly supported by mortals who have tired of the long rule of Celestials and Fiends.   The group is highly secretive, and little is known of their membership or function. Efforts to infiltrate their number or spy on their meetings have ended in failure, as have attempts to locate their hideaways. Some suspect they are being sheltered in Kengir, though the rulers of Satu and Kursig are unable to investigate those lands, being bound to the Pact. What is known is that their ranks are named for chess pieces, Pawns, Knights, Rooks, and Bishops, with the mysterious Grey King and Grey Queen in command, though their identities are a mystery.
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