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God of trickery, cleverness, and persuasion

Hosteen is the god of the fox, the coyote, and the wily trickster. A god full of whimsy, untamed cleverness, and cunning knowledge, Hosteen is a champion of mankind, one who dares to interact with sapient races often and is, in many legends, seen as an unconventional hero.  

Domains and Flavor

Hosteen is a classic trickster god, thus their domain is Trickery. They are an underdog hero to some and a nuisance or underminer to others. Hosteen does not often make contracts with warlocks, mostly because he is able to weave in loopholes that warlocks may not notice or realize. Hosteen has a mind of his own and does not like to be contractually obligated - though this does not mean it is impossible to make a pact with him. Perhaps to make such a pact, you must be equally as wily as Hosteen.   Hosteen is often depicted as a coyote or fox with curled horns. Occasionally, they take the form of a skinny tiefling-looking individual with light red skin and curled back horns. His holy symbol is a depiction of a coyote.  

Myths and Relationships

Hosteen is the child of Amaris.  

Religious Influence

Hosteen is not worshipped in temples, nor often worshipped even at shrines; those who worship them tend to be the common people who see Hosteen as one of them. They are not a high and mighty god but often associate themself with the sapient races, protecting people who need protecting or tricking those who deserve to be tricked.


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