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How Dwarves Learned of the Forge

While exploring the world in search of a fine metal, Mallean disappeared for a short time. When he returned, he told the other gods that he had created dwarves, and did not say more on the subject. Later, in a time of celebration of their creations, the gods drank to excess and recounted the stories of the people they had formed. With his mind clouded, Mallean admitted the full story of his encounter with the dwarves.   Mallean's search had taken him deep into a cave, where it was so dark that even his divine eyes could not see far ahead. Consequently he did not see the deep pit before him, and fell even further into the earth. He awoke in the Gloom, where the gods had not yet spent much time. Leaning over him were many short mortals whose beards grew as long as the hair on their heads. They did not recognize him, and asked him many questions about his size and hairless skin.   Despite their lack of recognition, the people offered Mallean food and water, and told him of the methods to find such necessities in the Gloom. They welcomed him to their homes, and Mallean quickly recovered from his fall. During his time among these people, who told him they were called dwarves, Mallean saw that they valued creation and the things they could make by their own hands. Partly out of appreciation for their hospitality, and partly because he believed they would well appreciate it, he told them of his domain. He taught them to work metal and tend a forge, and gave them the hammers and anvils to practice the craft.   When the other gods learned that Mallean had not created the dwarves that day, they questioned each other to learn which god had. Yet no god could claim the creation of the dwarves, and it remained a mystery that night. When they had recovered from their celebration, the gods visited the Gloom to ask the dwarves, who told them confidently that they had created themselves, and it remained a mystery still.

Cultural Reception

The true origin of dwarves is still unknown. Some theorize that they were created by one of the Primordials, possibly accidentally. The similarities between dwarves and halflings lead some to believe that Coranth and Kenzo actually created a shared ancestor to both groups, and some adapted to life in the Brights and became halflings, while the rest adapted to life in the Gloom and became dwarves.   Most dwarves adhere to the belief that dwarves "created themselves," though interpretations of that phrase vary; some dwarves agree that branching off from a shared ancestor with halflings would constitute self-creation, some believe their origin is similar to that of gorgons, some believe that because their early culture developed largely in isolation they created their own identity...


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