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Jontu is the capital city of Warka and the Unktu khanate. It’s located in the middle of the country at the intersection of many different trade routes. It’s a large city in area and population alike. It is built on top of a large hill and the surrounding area and is visible for miles on the steppe. Jontu is built on the remains of an Ancient construct city, part of the population residing there (as a suburban/slum area) referring to it as the “Old City.” Probably half of the population lives in the “New City'' and half in the Old City. Jontu was originally established by the Unktu as a trading outpost and has since grown into the center of population that it is today.   Both Lord Khutul and Khan Gutren reside here, though in separate palaces, the khan's much more modest than the lord's. Khan Gutren lives near the entrance of the city whereas Lord Khutul lives in a palace in the center.
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