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Kursig (kuːrsɪg)

Kursig is the undercity which dominates the lower half of Kurgal, a labyrinthine arrangement of circles that stretches deep into the earth. It is inhabited primarily by Tieflings and various Gloom races, as well as both demons and devils. The top four are predominantly ruled by demons, while the bottom three are controlled by devils.   Unlike Satu, Kursig follows a strict hierarchy, where Abraxas stands at the top. The chain of command runs from him, to the other archfiends, their lieutenants, so on and so forth to the lowest ranking devils. Mortals, however, are completely free of this rigid caste system, and are not bound by markers of class or status. Basic necessities are provided for free to all mortal residents, with luxuries readily available.  


The Circles of Kursig, the Undercity, and their rulers.   Kursig is divided into layers, a series of concentric rings known as Circles, connected by giant stairways. The layout is hierarchical, the lower-ranking archfiends from the top, to the highest at the bottom. The archfiends convene in the Seventh Circle, though this is extremely rare, and only in times of great necessity.  


A popular tavern in the Second Circle of Kursig, often referred to as the Man Tree. Musicians play on the roof.  

The Archfiends

  The archfiends rule over Kursig, but their power is not divided evenly. Abraxas is considered the leader of the Archfiends, and the others exist in a hierarchy below him, the highest being Amatsu and the lowest being Morrigan. While they plot against each other, none have yet been so bold as to make a move to challenge Abraxas for power. Unlike their counterparts in Satu, the archfiends appear much more freely and frequently among the mortals of their various circles. They have few compunctions against lobbying their mortal subjects, seeking to win their support with promises and bargains.   Under the ranking of the archfiends, the archdemons are technically considered lower rank than the archdevils. However, their fiendish servants are considered roughly equal with each other-- Wechuge may be ranked lower than Angra, but a balor is not considered to be lower than a pit fiend. Mortals exist outside of the hierarchy, and do not have any placement within it at birth, though some intentionally seek to join the guard or gangs as a form of social mobility.  

Gangs and Crime Families

  Though the Fiend War has long since ended, gangs continue to prowl the Undercity, engaged not in open warfare, but minor skirmishes and acts of intrigue. Mortals are typically locked out of the fiendish hierarchy, and gangs present an opportunity for the ambitious to prove their worth to prospective fiend employers. Demon gangs are led by powerful "families", like the Tnugdali, with long histories stretching back to the early days of demonic presence in Kurgal. Devil gangs were formed primarily for mutual protection when their kind first appeared in Kursig, such as the Redrunners, who were originally a devilish messenger's guild.  

Mystery Cults

  Kursig is sometimes known poetically as "The City of Ten Thousand Cults". While this number is an exaggeration, cults of endless varieties are present in the Undercity, mostly those with fiendish inclinations, though some other, more obscure cults are known to exist. Complete freedom of worship, even that of the traditional Astilian gods, is permitted. No central authority akin to the Synod has formed in Kursig, instead, most cults are content to keep their methods and subjects of worship as closely guarded secrets.  



First Circle

One of the more idyllic regions of the First Circle.   The First Circle of Kursig is the one which receives the most foreign visitors, being the closest to the surface and containing the most subcaverns into the Gloom. It is something of a wonderland, filled with parks, games, and entertainment, to present Kursig as a welcoming place. While fiendish deals are made in this Circle, it is less common than in the lower floors, as the primary aim of the First Circle is to convince attendees to proceed to the deeper circles. It is colorful and eclectic, with many bizarre sights and creatures walking about, and most non-fiend residents of Kursig live here.   Morrigan is the Lord of the First, their appearance varies depending on who is looking at them, but commonly recurring features are purple robes, and six black-feathered wings. Their face and body appear to the person seeing them as their subjective ideal of beauty. Morrigan walks freely around the First Circle, offering gifts to passersby and freely speaking with any who wish to. While Morrigan is the lowest-ranking of the Archfiends, rumors abound that this was part of a deal with Abraxas, so that in exchange for receiving any incoming visitors, they would support him in case of the other demons rebelling.  

Second Circle

A busy city block of the Second Circle.   The Second Circle is a constantly busy place, filled with messengers and bureaucrats at work. It is the administrative heart of Kursig, and is a major commerce hub for merchants heading up from the lower floors or deeper in the Gloom. It is seen as a place for the ambitious, where the promise of wealth and personal advancement lures many to seek to move higher in the fiendish hierarchy, many say that if you want something, you can find it in the Second Circle for the right price. Some people move to the Second Circle with their families, hoping to earn higher positions in the lower circles, and some burn out, returning to the First Circle, though it is rarely a place of permanent residence. Deals are frequent here, sometimes even between other fiends.   Yama is the Lord of the Second, he is a giant bearded man with lavish robes and an administrator's crown. He is constantly working at his desk, managing the flow of deals and information that runs through this Circle. While he was initially the greatest opponent of the devils, these days he is often too busy with his work to consider anything else.  

Third Circle

A wild bog in the Third Circle.   The Third Circle is a land of contrasts-- it was one of the primary battlegrounds for the Fiend War, and gangs still prowl the Circle, seeking tribute from residents. Most mortals live here in a state of relative destitution, living in toxic swamps under a pale green ceiling, but for high-ranking members of the hierarchy, they live in splendid opulence. Gaudy mansions dot the muck-filed landscape, abound with treasures and decadent foods, where the wealthy hosts luxurious banquets with each other. Those who found success in the Second Circle often settle here, constantly seeking new luxuries to enjoy.   Wechuge is the Lord of the Third. Unlike the others, it is formless, an ever-shifting mass of flesh and mouths. Wechuge only consumes, driven by an eternal hunger. If not satiated, it has been known to go on rampages that the other archfiends struggle to contain. If it has any kind of agenda of its own, no one knows what it could be, and it seems largely content to continue devouring.  

Fourth Circle

A park in the Fourth Circle. Most public places are abandoned in the Fourth, on account of residents lacking interest.   The Fourth Circle is a slow-moving place. Weeping willows dot the foggy landscape, the primary residences being large group homes where demons tend to the needs of its inhabitants, who spend their days relaxing in comfort. It is often a place of retirement for those seeking to end their service, and is not as focused on the luxury aspect as those in the Third Circle. Despite many attempts, the Fiend War never spread here, as the fog which spreads across the Circle has a relaxing effect, which eases any hostile intent.   Wosa is the Lord of the Fourth, her form is not clearly visible under her long, hooded mourning cloak, but many long, bony arms stretch out from underneath it. She spends all her time in her throne room, still mourning over the death of her lover in ancient times. Of the archfiends, she is by far the least active, and remains neutral in all conflicts by virtue of not participating.  

Fifth Circle

The fortress of Angra in the Fifth Circle.   The Fifth Circle is a hot, blasted land, a cavernous space lit by flames and lava. This is the first circle dominated by devils rather than demons, and, during the Fiend War, served as the main bulwark against their demon rivals. It is where the soldiers of Kursig are trained, and where the infernal legions are armed. Those who display martial competence are often invited here, where service in the legions can carry them to high places in the hierarchy.   Angra, former archangel of Okett, is the Lord of the Fifth, she appears as a heavily armored figure with a bloodstained cloak that covers a single torn black-feathered wing, the only part of her face which is visible are two glowing red eyes from beneath the darkness of her horned helm. She wields a seven-branched sword wreathed with flame, known as Zurvan. Angra seeks revenge against the archangels for casting her out, and she drills the legions endlessly in the hope that another war will give her an opportunity for it.  

Sixth Circle

A pathway in the Sixth Circle leading to one of Amatsu's watchtowers. (source)   The Sixth Circle, in contrast to the Fifth, is a frozen wasteland, with icy peaks and blizzards that spread forth from the gigantic iron citadel that sits at the center of this Circle. This the main center of espionage for Kursig, and from here, agents are sent throughout Kurgal and the world, to advance Abraxas' inscrutable goals. It is a hotspot for information, but the spymasters of the Sixth plot against each other as much as they do against their enemies, and nothing worth knowing is obtained without a cost.   Amatsu is a former archangel of Hosteen and Lord of the Sixth, he is a figure in long white and red robes and sharp clawed hands, on his face he wears the mask of a fox with a long black headdress, on his back are the skeletal remains of wings. Amatsu holds deep resentment toward Abraxas for leading the archdevils into Kursig and banished by the other archangels. He plots endlessly against Abraxas, seeking one day to overthrow him and name himself as the master of the archfiends.  

Seventh Circle

The cavern which leads to the Seventh Circle. Proceeding further is strictly forbidden to travelers. (source)   The Seventh Circle, unlike most of the other Circles, is an oddly tranquil place. The cavern ceiling here is higher than the other floors, and the top seems to twinkle like stars in the night sky. Luminescent flowers light this cavern in pale shades of blue, though a magical darkness fills much of this floor. The Palace of the Archfiends is here, and the Circle is reserved exclusively for high ranking fiends and audience with Archfiends themselves. The Palace sits at the intersection of the three rivers, which, according to legend, are said to be the method by which one reaches the true Hells.   Abraxas is the Lord of the Seventh, a former archangel of Lielle, a man with flowing blonde hair and a sharp black suit. He has eight wings, four of which are white and feathered, four of which are black and leathery, behind his head floats a glowing solar corona. Abraxas is sly, always polite and friendly with a dry wit. He walks among all the Circles, and despite his friendliness, he rules Kursig with an iron fist, and always plots to advance his own mysterious agendas.
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