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Satu (sɑtuː)

Satu is the great tower that composes the upper half of Kurgal, rising high into the clouds. The tower is inhabited by mortals and Celestials, even some fiends on the lower floors. Most people live in the outer rings of the tower, the further one progresses inward, the more long-abandoned corridors and ancient ruins dominate. The exact number of floors is unknown, but at the very top is where the four archangels meet-- none are permitted to ascend to that place except by invitation.   Satu is ruled by four archangels, the Four Heavenly Princes, who survived the Arrival, and did not later Fall to become devils. They divide the Tower evenly into four quarters, devoting each one to the work of their patron god. Despite this, they rarely make direct rulings, instead leaving that duty to Reflet of Isin, considered to be their direct representative among mortals. Reflet herself serves as the liaison to the Skyward Citadel, and as such spends most of her time in the Diplomatic Ring. In her absence, Knights Paravant, composed of her inner circle of advisors, act as governors.  


The division of Satu, the great tower, from a bird's eye perspective.   Satu is divided into four sections of equal size, referred to as Quarters, all facing a cardinal direction. Each quarter is governed by one of the Archangels, who convene at the beginning of a new season.  


An assembly of scholars in Edubba, one of the elite academies in the North Quarter of Satu.   Satu is ruled by four archangels, the Four Heavenly Princes, who survived the Arrival, and did not later Fall to become devils. They divide the Tower evenly into four quarters, devoting each one to the work of their patron god. Despite this, they rarely make direct rulings, instead leaving that duty to Reflet of Isin, considered to be their direct representative among mortals. Reflet herself serves as the liaison to the Skyward Citadel, and as such spends most of her time in the Diplomatic Ring. In her absence, Knights Paravant, composed of her inner circle of advisors, act as governors.  

The Four Heavenly Princes

  The Four Heavenly Princes are Azarah, archangel of Mallean, Ascanius, archangel of Serphala, Atlaua, archangel of Saltare, and Aruna, archangel of Whist. The four of them are the theoretical overlords of Satu, though the truth is slightly more complicated. While they are the rulers of the Tower, they do not frequently interact with their mortal subjects. Their time is most commonly spent in communion with the gods, seeking to return to their native planes, only with occasional audiences for ceremonies or receiving tribute. While lesser Celestials are a common sight in Satu, audiences with any of the four is rare, and even amongst themselves, they only meet once every three months.  

The Knights Paravant

  Though the position has no name, Reflet of Isin is recognized by the Princes as their representative on Satu. As their representative, she is theoretically authorized to enact whatever rulings she deems fit. However, as her duties in the Skyward Citadel often call her away, those duties instead fall to the Knights Paravant. The Knights Paravant are her councilors, originally composed of her supporters, but during the Peace of Zabal, transitioned to a more open body, incorporating many young members of the nobility. A good number of these nobles strive primarily for self-advancement and pushing their own agendas, and with Reflet of Isin serving in the Diplomatic Ring, they act as the ruling body of Satu.  

Noble Houses

  The noble houses of Satu tend to trace their descent from the ancient royal families of the Kengir city-states. These claims are nigh-impossible to prove, given the dearth of records from that era, but nonetheless many will claim heritage from ancient kings or heroes. The nobles of Satu are not landed, they do not generally control territory in or outside the tower, but they possess great wealth and influence, some with retinues of hired guards. Conflicts and feuds between Houses never emerge into open violence, instead relying on subterfuge and intrigue to undermine their rivals.  

The Temple Synod

  The Synod is the assembly of religious authorities in Kurgal, primarily devoted to the four gods who the archangels serve, though other gods' temples have presences in the Synod. The Synod does not officially recognize a leader, instead forming a Senate for theological debate and discussion, where each local shrine has a representative, though the much larger presence of the four temples leads to their interests being dominant. Most debates in the Synod pertain to lofty theological matters and the distribution of donations. They do not have significant amounts of land or power, but they carry great influence in the day to day lives of the people.  



West Quarter

One of the side gates leading into the West Quarter of Satu. (source)   The West Quarter faces the sea, and as a result, is the portion of the tower most frequently seen by travelers. The edifice of this portion of the tower is made from austere marble, decorated with coral, pearls, and other bounties of the ocean. Fountains and waterways abound, often running with wildlife and aquatic plants. The Quarter is devoted to craft, be it artifice or architecture, and welcomes those with skilled hands. While they are not any more advanced technologically than the rest of Kurgal, they are a major producer of magical items in the Vestiges.   As the West Quarter is the primary port of Kurgal, it is the main hub of foreign trade. Merchants are a common sight, welcoming travelers by hawking trinkets forged by skilled magical craftsmen. Wood brought in from the Eastern Quarter is used in the Western shipyards, producing seafaring vessels for wealthy patrons. Most crafts in Kurgal, be it in Satu, Kengir, or even in Kursig, leave through the Western Quarter, and it is often seen in popular consciousness as a miniature sample of The Tower in its entirety.   Azarah governs the West Quarter, she appears as a tall, four-winged woman in purple robes, always accompanied by a lion. She wears a crown depicting the head of a man, a lion, an ox, and an eagle. Of her colleagues, Azarah appears the most among mortals, frequently holding audiences to receive tribute and conduct court. She has the most contact with Reflet, and of the archangels, is the most likely to have an awareness of current affairs.  

East Quarter

A central road leading to one of Atlaua's party houses in the East Quarter. (source)   The East Quarter overlooks the Baitel Forest, once a massive primeval forest, though with the growth of Kurgal, it has been increasingly harvested for lumber. The exterior of the Quarter is largely granite, painted first white, then given a trim of many colors. Graffiti and flashy designs often appear on the tower's walls. In some popular sections, layers upon layers of ancient graffiti cover the walls, dating back to the first days of the tower. The interior is filled with gardens, some contain rare flowers, others contain small zoos, and in the less inhabited sections of the tower, animals run about freely.   Art is the main focus of the East Quarter, in any form. Poetry, painting, music, any form of art is encouraged in the Quarter. Pre-reform, subject matter was strictly regulated by the Temple Synod, but those restrictions have been loosened in recent years. Despite this, some conservative voices still object to certain topics, particularly where Kursig's matters are concerned. The most popular artists often become celebrities within Satu, their work selling for hefty sums of gold.   Atlaua is the Prince of this Quarter, he appears as a tattooed man wearing gold jewelry and a crown with a long green headdress. Connected to his arms are two broad wings with rainbow-colored feathers. Atlaua often hosts grand banquets and balls for his favorites and popular artists. His parties are major affairs, and many hope to receive an invitation.  

South Quarter

Guard barracks in the South Quarter.   The South Quarter leads to a major pathway through the Kavodel Highlands, the rocky terrain that dominates the southern borderlands of Kurgal. According to legend, the South Quarter is built into the side of a mountain that once served as the capital for a forgotten Kengir kingdom. Naturally, it is made entirely of rose-red stone, the innermost sections cut into the mountain itself. The outer edifice has long since passed the original mountainside, but rumors say that ancient caverns hold treasure for those brave enough to venture inside.   The South Quarter prides itself on its martial valor, many young and ambitious residents venture out into the Highlands or the Forest to seek trophies and honor. Glory is the main aim of most who live in this Quarter, and it produces the most adventurers out of anywhere in Satu. Despite this, recreation is not unheard of. Many different sports are practiced here, varying in degrees of intensity, but for fun just as much for training.   Aruna rules the South Quarter, they appear as a four armed-figure with two red wings spreading from their hips, wearing bright-scarlet robes. Atop their head is a multi-tiered crown, lit at the top with an eternally blazing flame. Aruna rarely appears among mortals, they remain convinced that hostilities will break out once more with Kursig, and as such, they spend most of their days preparing for the next war. Occasionally they appear to provide lead large hunts or to demonstrate martial techniques, but otherwise, it is unlikely to see them.  

North Quarter

A meeting house of the Temple Synod in the North Quarter. (source)   The North Quarter faces the Zepathi Steppe, the vast sea of grass that stretches across the northern plains of Kurgal. While the West Quarter dominates sea-based trade, the North Quarter is the primary recipient of overland travel. Of the Quarters, it has the largest population of native Kengir residents. Similar to the West Quarter, it is made primarily from marble, though the rooftops and streets are paved with gold. The interior of the North Quarter is the most densely urban, and golden-leafed trees line the broad walkways of the city.   The Quarter was primarily built for study, and research is a huge focus of the academies which fill its interior. The nobility of the North Quarter is more of a scholar-gentry than the wealthy families of the other quarters, and fame is derived from one's academic achievements more than martial valor or popular art. In addition, the outlying lands of the North Quarter are by far the most fertile, and as such it serves as the breadbasket for the entirety of Satu, sometimes even Kurgal. With a shared focus on magic, academia, and agriculture, the North Quarter is the most diverse of the Quarters.   Ascanius is the Prince of the North Quarter, he appears as a lightly armored man with two white wings on his back and a flowing sash around his waist. On his head, he wears a laurel wreath crown with a simple golden halo above him. Even among the archangels, Ascanius is reclusive. He almost never appears before mortals, only intervening in times of dire need. When he does appear, he says little, doing his job, then leaving to return to meditation. Of the archangels, he seeks to return to the side of his god the most, and spends almost every hour in meditative communion.
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