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God of Cities, Civilization, and Ethics

Some may claim that every city, village, town, and even hovel were all divinely inspired by the influence of the six-winged deity of humanoid advancement. While unlikely an absolute, it is hard to find a successful state or city that did not seek out Serphala's favor in one form or another. For millennia, his devotees have been on the cutting edge of architecture, legislation, and even philosophical discussion, and the more urban the area, the more likely one is to see his symbol of a pure-white tower adorned with three sets of wings in homes or around the necks of commoners. Of course, his detractors aren't without merit either, and in more untamed places his influence is met with agitation or even hostility. Some go as far as to accuse some of his followers of trying to recreate the civilization of The Ancients, but until now nothing has come of these claims...

Domains and Flavor

Serphala is best associated with the Order, Knowledge, and Forge Cleric Domains. He employs many Deva, or angels, to aid in his efforts to assist humanoid advancement and progression, many of whom would be more than willing to act as a Celestial Patron to those they deem worthy. Moreover, Serphala has been known to impart divine gifts at birth, leading to a notable amount of Aasimars in places he is most strongly associated with.

Myths and Relationships

Serphala is believed to be the son of Aconi, the Fertility god, and younger brother to Legaku, god of Monstrosities. There are many tellings of this family's story, but most of them describe how Legaku tormented Serphala right out of the cradle, but was caught off guard at the speed the newborn ran. The two began a chase across the continents that lasted centuries, with their footprints serving as the birthplace for some of the first towns as well as the first monsters to pepper the landscape. Eventually the chase settled into a more equal rivalry, which would come to head when both brothers set their sights on the wild and untamed lands of Ilkatu. After centuries of fighting each other, the two eventually found a mutual foe in other-worldly invaders, and worked together to repel the threat. Since then, the two have continued in their ways, headstrong in their beliefs but with a begrudging amount of respect for the other.

Religious Influence & Contact

The Church of Serphala is spread across all of Astalia, with the Clockwork cities of Ilkatu often being seen as the hub of religiuous activity. There, the Chief Mysta occupies one of the 7 seats of the Ilkatan Confederation Council, the group that oversees most of the continent. Moreover, it is said that the highest Floating Isle in the Ilkatan skyline is actually the lost city of Omniteras, a society wholly devoted to the worship of Serphala's teachings. However, no recorded contact has been made with the Isle in millennia.
  Serphala has been in regular communication with followers and humanoids in general over the course of history. He primarily communicates through Deva messengers, appearing in dreams or occasionally in a physical form. While there have been few accounts of Serphala manifesting himself, he is described in holy texts as being a seemingly simple half-orc with perfectly fitting clothes, completely straight hair and overall perfectly symmetrical. In addition, he has three pairs of wings: one pair at his feet, another sprouting out from his heart, and the final pair surrounding his head.

Divine Symbol

A pure white tower adorned with three sets of wings.


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