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The Creation of the Eladrin

In the days when the gods were still creating mortals, Astalia fell into a lengthy autumn. The young goddess Pomera, herald of the seasons, had grown enamored with the vibrant colors of autumn, and feared that allowing winter to set in would destroy the beauty of the world. Although the goddess was inexperienced and soft-hearted, she had inherited some of her mother's pride, and knew that she could not allow autumn to continue forever. Lacking inspiration, she journeyed into the untamed wilds of Faerie, where the land and its inhabitants were fantastically beautiful in all they did.   The Feywild had not waited for Pomera to turn the season, and magnificent crystals of ice covered the landscape. Pomera was delighted to see that winter could carry its own beauty and began to search for denizens of the realm who could tell her of the canging seasons here.   In these days, the divide between the intelligent Archfey and the simple common fey was a great chasm. The Archfey held all of Faerie's Reason, while the lesser fairies could behave only how their natures allowed them. Pomera climbed the greatest of the ice structures, a glittering city formed by the monarch of the Archfey. However, when Pomera spoke with the Archfey, she saw that they took the beauty of the Feywild for granted and could not provide what Pomera was looking for. Frustrated, she ran from their great city.   In the woods, Pomera observed a group of fairies who resembled the mortals of the material plane in form. They reflected the seasons in their appearance and their emotions, and they too showed beauty even in their sorrowful winter forms. Pomera attempted to communicate with them, but despite their resemblance to mortals they could not answer for they did not Reason and could communicate only as animals do.   Pomera returned to the Archfey and demanded they share their Reason with the fairies in the woods. The Archfey did not want to oblige, but they also feared to anger a god, so they gave Pomera a gift of Reason and allowed her to pass it on as she saw fit. The goddess immediately delivered the Reason to the fairies she had seen in the woods, and spoke with them at length about their connection with the seasons.   The fairies were endlessly grateful to Pomera for granting them Reason. With it, their emotions were no longer chained to the seasons, and they could control their own seasonal magics more readily. In thanks, they pledged themselves to act as Pomera's attendants, aiding her in bringing the next season to the material plane.   The Archfey saw how grateful these fairies were to the one who had given them Reason. Desiring loyal attendants for themselves, they shared it with several other common fairies.   And so Pomera returned and ended the long autumn, bringing with her the first eladrin. And so too did the divide between the Archfey and the common fairies turn to a more gentle slope.


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