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The Elder Grove

The Elder Grove is a place of mystery. Acres upon acres of lush timber and an abundance of diverse wildlife make up most of this area, and the villages and cities within and around are commonly grouped with it for simplicity. Stories run wild of missing persons, enchantments, fey encounters, and all sorts of other nonsensical phenomena; most people wouldn’t believe any of these tales for a moment.   Unless they’d ventured into the depths of the Elder Grove themselves, that is.  




  As long as there has been a planet, the Elder Grove has stood tall on its surface. It may not be the largest of the forests on the face of Astalia, but the quality of its lumber is unrivaled. Some suspect that the forest itself is enchanted.   Around 3000, the city of Avernia was founded by a figure known only as Sera. Not much is known about her other than the fact that she was the one to welcome each new citizen into her settlement, a place designed for peace and refuge. After her death in the 3500s, another respected community member took her place in the position that would come to be known as the Embracer.   In the 4000s, other smaller cities began to pop up. The Glade was created by Avernia to have an outpost closer to the edge of the forest; the first houses were built in a large natural clearing, hence the name. Erber was created independently from Avernia by newcomers hailing from the Gloom, and Imber was founded soon after as its counterpart in the woods. Over time, both cities came to take cues from Avernia, which represents the entire area on the international stage.   The Elder Grove has always represented safety and peace, and many have fled from other places in times of war to find a home there. There is little crime, as many of the inhabitants came fleeing danger and found a place to start over. They are not inclined to harm this refuge.  


  Most of this area is unsurprisingly taken up by the mass of black oak trees called the Elder Grove. Areas not covered by the grove are flat and grassy, with a few rare hills.   “The Tree”: a much larger tree found in the vicinity of Avernia. It has many names, including the Mammoth, the Sacred One, and the Eldest, but most locals resort to simply referring to it as “the Tree.” Other locals know what they mean.   Lake of Grace: a lake rumored to have magical properties. Some swear that a drink from it cured disease or kept aging at bay temporarily; others warn that they likely got ill from the “miraculous” water. It’s up to the individual to decide which is true, or perhaps to go find out for themselves.   Longing Thicket: a particularly dense patch of black oak trees within the Elder Grove; tales are told of people being pulled in and never seen again. There is no official record of what’s inside, and many an adventurer has been contracted to explore it. None have succeeded, and not many have returned.   Over time, more varieties of tree have been introduced to the Grove, and there are patches scattered throughout containing different kinds of trees. Maple and birch are two of the largest; the maple grove is not far outside Avernia, still contained within the greater Grove, and the birch trees are found near Erber as more of an offshoot expansion to the forest.  

Government and Organizations

  Current Leader: Embracer Ilene Sevier, she/her, human, has held her position for 47 years   The Embracer is selected by the Ring of Avernia, a council made up of 24 representatives from around the Elder Grove.   Each will nominate a candidate and vote for a candidate that is not their own. The pool is cut in half, then votes are cast again. This continues until there is a winner by more than ten votes or until there is only one candidate remaining. In case of a tie, candidates will have a dialogue with council members and another vote will be held. In case of a tie remaining after this process, there will be a drawing of sticks, and the decision will be left to chance.   Those living in the Elder Grove commonly call themselves and are referred to as the Embraced for this reason. Another term often used is "of the Grove."   Diplomatic Representative: Theani Marte, he/they, orc, has held their position for 4 years   The Embracer selects a new diplomatic representative every 10 years; it isn’t uncommon for the same individual to be chosen for the sake of maintaining relationships made with other representatives.   The representative works very closely with the Embracer; there are many Sending spells sent between the two.   Usually the representative is someone who has lived in the Grove all their life, although it isn’t unheard of for that to not be the case.  


  Avernia: The main city within the Elder Grove. Although it’s the largest settlement, it still is a small one, with only around fifty thousand people. The city specializes in papermaking and woodwork, and affluent families often import their stationery or furniture directly from Avernia to showcase their wealth.   The Glade: Most trade from the east comes through the Glade before continuing on to Avernia or Imber. The city exists mostly as a stop for those adventuring to other places, letting merchants, suppliers, and other weary travelers rest. It’s known for its pastries, and some deliberately go out of their way on travels just to try the delicious creations.   Imber: Many of those hoping to become closer with nature end up in Imber. The city itself is functionally built into the forest, and treehouses are not an uncommon sight. The height and strength of the Elder Grove’s trees lend themselves to this kind of construction, and the densest, wildest area of forest that sits just outside Imber, leading to the heart of the forest, led to this precaution. Many experienced herbalists, healers, and druids make their homes here.   Erber: The only city part of the Elder Grove that sits outside of the trees, Erber serves as a hub for tourists, passerby, and other travelers hoping to get a peek at the famous forest. It’s easy to find a guide here, as many set up in the city long-term to take parties out as far into the forest as either the guide or party is willing to venture. It’s also the city most detached from the Grove’s general sense of community, although it still celebrates the holidays and follows Avernia’s lead.  

Other Information

  Religion: Aconi and Asra are among the more common deities worshiped, but it isn’t uncommon to see a variety. The holy symbol of Asra is often seen carved into homes, symbolizing the inhabitants’ willingness to aid those in need. It’s also sometimes carved into trees near the cities to show that they’re safe places.   Festivals/Holidays: Many individuals celebrate holidays or acknowledge festive dates from far and wide. There are a couple that originated in the Elder Grove.   The Embrace: a holiday spanning two days that involves appreciating the Grove and those inside of it. Work ceases as much as possible, and gifts are often exchanged with the people one holds closest. Picnics in the trees are also common on this day, being too much trouble for normal days but a way to show closeness to the Grove on special occasions. (Occurs in December)   Day of Clasped Hands: a single day festival dedicated to the founding of Avernia. The Embracer often makes a formal appearance, giving a speech, and the day is filled with games, dancing, and other fun activities. Stalls line the streets selling specialized Grove goods and delicious pastries. (Occurs in March)
Founding Date
~3000 AR
Geopolitical, State
Major Exports
paper, lumber, specialty wood, fruits
Major Imports
metal, cloth, spices, livestock


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