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The Fall of Nephila

The Fall of Nephila is a story of a family that was almost torn apart.


Nephila, the child of Stasi and Enki, was once among sky with her parents. High above the mortals, nothing but the great open expanse of space. In the footsteps of her parent, Enki, she helped weaved the star constellations together, creating intricate patterns. Enki would go in after to polish them off and help name them. Nephila took great pride in their work, seeing that mortals and the other gods would see them. Pride soon became hubris. With such an ego, Nephila started to change Enki's constellations, believing her renditions of them were better than their parents.


Furious, Enki went to Stasi to talk about what their child had done. From a partner standpoint, this was unacceptable and Stasi knew how much Enki's workd meant to her. On the parental side, Stasi knew kids made mistakes and did not know better, but they did believe Nephila needed to be disciplined for her actions. While they thought of a fair discipline, Nephila was not allowed to leave her parents sights. A while went by before a decision was made. Eventually, they decide, with Enki's help, to banish Nephila to the mortal realm to live out their days as weaver there. It was a hard choice but one that had to be made. Nephila was not happy with this choice, but off she went, to the mortal realm. There she took the likeness of a spider and learned to weave different things.


Some areas say there is a chance that Nephila could rejoin them in the sky once she has learned her lesson.


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