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The Parch

While there are a great number of Lizardfolk tribes found across Ilkatu and the world at large, none have both the respect and fear that are afforded the Parch, an Ancient Tribe of Scribes well-learned in the arcane arts.  


The Parch tend to be rather secretive to outsiders, but it has been rumored that the original tribe of Lizardfolk found and rehabilitated an outsider with incredible magical prowess during The War of Wing and Fang. In exchange for saving his life, this outsider revealed his arcane secrets and wizardry, teaching them how to read, write, and record information to be kept for future generations. This record keeping would become habitual, keeping all of their writings carefully maintained in great books of parchment from the animals they hunted. Following the Invaders War, this tribe would eventually move and settle to Lake Utinmananiiwarapitjant (also known as Lake Letters), where they would found the village near an outcropping of bloodbark trees. When the Dhulwinite settlers were attempting to gain independence, the Parch was approached with an offer. In exchange for a continuous supply of food and other vital materials, the Parch would grant access to their records on the previous clockwork cities and their construction. Eventually, this deal would transform into the current exchange of their services as Scribes, arcane teachers, and impartial judges. Being cold, calculating creatures with little interest in vast wealth or association with other humanoids, the Parch excel in these positions, and they have developed a reputation for being fair, straight-forward, and horribly intimidating.  

Quiltree & Parch Land

Over the millennia, and especially after the founding of the Iltakan Confederation, The Parch have gradually opened up the lands they claimed to outsiders, even going as far as to begin instructing some in their arcane knowledge. That's not to say that they welcome anyone onto their lands or allow people to access their extensive records freely; the small villages and communities that have developed in and near the Parch Land have all originated from groups or individuals who somehow earned the Parch's respect or favor. Often referred to as "Outer Parch", these small communities of Gnomes, Tabaxi, Humans, and Halflings have adapted similar lifestyles to their Lizardfolk neighbors, and stories of Outer Parch prodigies going to study at Vi Infinitum in Kronwerk are all too common.   As for the Parch themselves, they are spread out across their lands, but congregate and organize their records in Quiltree, a daunting city-fortress created and protected by extensive magics over millennia. Within those walls lies the greatest catalogue of knowledge, records, and secrets in all of Ilkatu. Many have foolishly tried to see this treasure trove of information themselves, but none have ever been recorded to be successful.


In spite of how civilized, intelligent, and well-mannered the Parch are, they maintain an extremely tribalistic dogma about their way of life. Whereas the stereotypical Lizardfolk tribe may justify cannabalism and underhanded ambush tactics as practical and necessary for survival, The Parch have adopted a similar outlook on the practice of magic. To them, the arcane is the most efficient and utiliaritan method of protecting oneself and their tribe. Therefore, any Parch who seek to deviate from arcane study is not just different, but irrational and untrustworthy. There have been many Lizardfolk to have been born into the Parch only to be exiled when it became obvious that they were unwilling or unable to practice magic.

No tool can be sharpened like the mind

Founding Date
Wizard Lizard (said at your own peril)
Population: >1 million   Common Demographics: Lizardfolk almost exclusively within the Parch, Gnomes, Halflings, Tabaxi, and Humans as the Outer Parch   Territory: The forests and plains on the inside of the Manani river   There's No Funny Factoid so Take an Article:


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