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The Ten

The first dragons, created by the Primordials, are known reverently as the Ten. Dragons who share a line created it together, through union. They are...   Cawgwyn, the Wandering. Progenitor of green, copper, and emerald dragons. Born of Arren.   Aegea, the Crowned. Progenitor of blue, gold, and sapphire dragons. Born of Kazja.   Vermillion, the Intent. Progenitor of red, bronze, and sapphire dragons. Born of Xaeyar.   Ivor, the Empty. Progenitor of white, crystal, and topaz dragons. Born of Interitus.   Sesuun, the Cantor. Progenitor of blue and gold dragons. Born of Kazja.   Perion, the Innocent. Progenitor of bronze dragons. Born of Interitus.   Zaness, the Thirsting. Progenitor of black, brass, and deep dragons. Born of Arren.   Fisihizilix, the Thoughtful. Progenitor of silver, brass, and amethyst dragons. Born of Kazja.   Khore, the Worldly. Progenitor of green, silver, and amethyst dragons. Born of Xaeyar.   Mep, the Smiling. Progenitor of black, copper, and moonstone dragons. Born of Xaeyar.


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