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Toqtak is the capital of Auxilium in the cold South. It’s located near the Crater and on the southern half of the river Yeoman, straddling the river. Half of the city resides on the northern side of the river, half on the southern side, the two halves making one city connected by a large stone bridge. It’s one of the larger cities and has populations of all different races there, including a large population of Gloom races since it’s right near the Crater. Gloom immigrants integrate into Warkan culture or form their own ethnic neighborhoods within Toqtak. The city was originally founded by the Auxilium but has become home for anyone.   Toqtak is also home to Khan Wanderer (they/he), the master craftsman half orc who is the khan of Auxilium. They reside in a relatively modest longhouse near the center of town.
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