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The Yomesh is a polytheistic religion focused around the concepts of centrality and omniscience. The sect split off from the Handdara religion in the late 3400s and was founded by a gith named Meshe. Members of the Yomesh cult worship Enki, Aestus, and Venificus. Like the Handdara from which they split, the Yomesh are more interested in the intersection of those gods' domains than in worship of the gods as individual deities.   The Yomeshta consist mostly of githzerai, though some other peoples are also members. Githyanki do not belong to the Yomesh religion, as the cultural split between githyanki and githzerai aligns with the split between the Handdara and Yomesh religions.


The Yomesh cult was founded by a Handdara Weaver named Meshe, who was pushed to answer a question he deemed unanswerable. As a result, xe saw not only the answer to the question xe was asked, but all of the past and future simultaneously, and continued to see all of time simultaneously for the rest of xyr life. Some Handdarata broke from the Handdara religion, abandoning most of the Handdara practices to follow Meshe, and formed the Yomesh cult. Over time, the gods considered relevant to the religion shifted from Enki, Aestus, Serphala, and Arren to Enki, Aestus, and Venificus.

Tenets of Faith

The tenets of the Yomesh faith are generally contrary to those of the Handdara. Rather than seeking to gain ignorance, the Yomesh seek to banish ignorance and achieve understanding through omniscience.


The core tenet of the Yomesh religion centrality, the idea that everything exists simultaneously and so the world always resides at the center of existence. The Yomeshta see Meshe's experience of seeing all of time as evidence that centrality is truth.
Founding Date
Religious, Cult

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