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Kalam Itea

Kalam Itea

His name is Kalam Itea, and was born a hell-touched spawn. The only son and heir to the Itea estate, he now is its lord.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He has a rather broad physique, although not entirely built as though he was large or muscular. It is clear most of the menial tasks were handled by his servants, as his hands are even uncalloused as those around him.

Body Features

Oddly gold horns crown his forehead, and slope backwards and to the sky, almost a show of his ambition. Claws grow upon his fingertips, but they are nicely philed down to nubs and carved intricately with roses. A tail barbed with spikes, gold as his horns, constantly wrapped around his waist and kept out of the way.

Facial Features

A deceptively clean face, not even a hair growing across his devilishly red skin. His teeth are clean and well-maintained. If any knew him in his youth, it's unnatural they are so well-kept. His eyes are bottomless black pits with two golden orbs gleaming amongst the pitch black. In his irides, a faint clockwork mechanism turns.

Identifying Characteristics

Golden spikes and horns, red skin, golden eyes.

Physical quirks

Despite his parents having brown hair, he has black hair.

Apparel & Accessories

He wears clothing of high-quality and tough fabrics, preferably of deep red coloring with accenting stitched patterns of golden roses. He wears five rings, on his right index, middle, and pinky fingers, and left middle and pinky fingers. The index finger ring is a signet ring with a bright red ruby; the right middle ring is one of a rose made of silver; the pinky is a claw ring designed to compliment his devilish finger made of gold. The left middle finger is a a plain silver band, and the left pinky finger bears resemblance to a cog.

A devilishly handsome man with infernal blue blood, inheriting the rather meager estate of his father. He is intent on restoring the great estate, and his good name, despite knowing the world will not want an infernal-blooded nobleman around.

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Pitch Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Red as blood
6 feet

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