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Black Sun Paganism

Black Sun Paganism refers to the ritualistic religious practices of the Cult of the Black Sun.
  There are some out there who do not believe a calamity befell Astara, but instead interpret it as a genesis. They believe that their mighty god Helios bathed the world in his heavenly fire to smite the unworthy, and we few who have survived are his chosen ones deemed worthy to live. They believe Helios will return to render justice once again, and we must be ready. Therefore, anyone who deviates from this belief is deemed a heretic and burned alive as a sacrifice to Helios. Followers of the Black Sun can be identified carrying or wearing symbols resembling a black sun, some even adorning it as a tattoo, usually on the center of their chest, out of sight.
  Black Sun pagan rituals often included elements of extensive sun exposure, or exposure to open flame. They believed the burning of their skin to be spiritual and cathartic, a way to physically render their sin from their bodies, many members are heavily scarred from these "cleansing rituals". Among them, sacrifice is a common practice, usually of heretical prisoners or slaves, however its not uncommon that a follower will be willingly sacrificed either.
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