Downtime Rules Document in Astara | World Anvil
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Downtime Rules

During a day that is not spent adventuring a player may spend their time pursuing gainful employment or furthering personal projects. This encompasses a great many things, such as Farming, Crafting or Gathering Information. Downtime activities other than the ones presented are possible. If you want your character to spend his or her downtime performing an activity not covered here, discuss it with your DM.
  To get started on Text RP, first read through the New Player's Guide on the Discord Server - this explains some important stuff. Here is some terminology you should be familiar with:
  RP = Roleplay - This refers to what we're here for! Becoming a character and immersing ourselves in a fantasy world is the meat and potatoes of this whole game - it's literally in the name. We say this when referring to acting out or performing the part of a character (IC).
  IC = In Character - This means you are in the perspective of your character. To say something IC is to describe it from their frame of reference, whether third or first person. "Brunko The Bonk Bard saunters into the saloon, glaring around the room coldly." Is an IC (In Character) sentence, just like "I walk into the saloon and cast a mean glare at all the other patrons" is an equally valid IC sentence. All channels with RP in the title are exclusively for IC writing.
  OOC = Out Of Character - This means the opposite of what is above, and is used in reference to any communication NOT from the perspective of a character. Most channels, like general and help-and-questions are OOC channels. It is a faux pas to type in RP channels with OOC pretenses, and messages as such will be removed.
  Meta = OOC self referential talk about the game and it's contents. Saying "Brunko rolled a 24 athletics to bonk the baddie" in an RP channel is not right, because that is referencing within the game that we are playing a game. This is especially to be avoided in RP channels.
  Blurb = The shorthand for a descriptive or explanatory paragraph.

The Downtime Action Economy

Periods of downtime can vary in duration, but each downtime activity requires a certain number of days to complete before you gain any benefit, and at least 8 hours of each day must be spent on the downtime activity for the day to count. The days do not need to be consecutive. If you have more than the minimum amount of days to spend, you can keep doing the same thing for a longer period of time, or switch to a new downtime activity.
  For Downtime Activities there is an action economy in place - a concept that judges how much a player can accomplish within a time frame. Because it takes 8 hours for 1 effective day of downtime work, its expected that players can usually make only 1 downtime action per day, unless otherwise specified or doing a faster action. This means if you are working your farm one day, you cannot go mining on the same day, because its too much work for 1 day (plus rest). This action economy does not limit text RP interactions of any kind, such as getting a drink at the bar after a day working at your farm.

How to Post a Downtime Activity

To keep things organized, we post all downtime activities within threads on discord, within the downtime-rp channel. To create a thread, you may first send a message in the channel with your thread title (see format below), then you can click on the message and select create thread. Alternatively, you can create a thread from the menu on the top right of the channel. Look for this symbol:

The title of your thread should reflect what you're doing. The title format is Action (Player) Privacy - Ie: Fishing (Tike) Public. The action is what you're doing, the player is who is doing it, and the privacy is either public or private. Private activities are unbeknownst to other players and cannot be interacted with by others, whereas public activities may be interjected by other players in text rp.
  Now that you have your thread made and named, here is a general outline of how to construct your post:
  • Say what you're doing IC, use italics (to represent rp).
  • Consult downtime rules tables for what to roll or ping a DM for what to roll.
  • Use Avrae (discord bot) to make your roll, with relevant proficiencies.
  • Describe the result yourself IC / DM describes the result.
  • Add or subtract any relevant items to your inventory on DnD beyond.
This concludes your post, though you may stick around for any RP you'd like. For tasks that take longer such as farming, its not necessary to make a new thread each day, just continue posting in the same thread each day until the activity is resolved.

Avrae (Discord Bot) Dice Commands

On discord we use Avrae (Bot) integrated with your dnd beyond to make checks and attacks in text rp.
  The most common command you'll need is !c skill, where skill is the check you're trying to make. For example !c Sleight of Hand will roll a sleight of hand check. Alternatively, if you're looking for just a straight dice roll, you can use !r dice, where dice is the type and number. For example, !r 3d20.
  Below are more useful commands, keep in mind our server uses the ! operator (instead of / ).
Guide, How-to


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