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Magic & Energy

Magic is the ability possessed by some individuals to manipulate the ambient energies of the world to produce desired results, or so most thought. In addition to granting spellcasting abilities, magic was an influential force in all Realms. It served as the source of energy for enchanted items, allowed for travel across lands and cosmos, and even shaped the physical landscape of the planet. The basic essence of magic was known as raw magic, or Energy.
  Cosmic energy is considered to be the source of all existing magic, and the most integral part of all existing spells. This energy is raw and chaotic, hence its ability to be manipulated by magic users. Once you recognize the underlying nature of reality and can see past the convenient shorthand of materiality, you can find new tools to interact. Instead of merely moving things by pressing on them with the matter of your body, you can apply your will directly to the complex cobweb of forces holding an object in place, and, by altering the flow of energy from yourself to that object just a little, change its position or form without physical touch. This is what is meant by "Magic".
  The world is a dense mesh of forces held together by threads of energy, and the balanced matrix is difficult to shift. Calculations must be comprehensive and will applied precisely. To aid in this manipulation, the sages of the past (and occasionally intrepid inventors of the present) have devised formulas and heuristics to aid in implementing specific effects. We call these "Spells". The presence of energy in all beings and things means that magic is also intrinsically intertwined in all things, as energy and magic are the same.
Metaphysical, Arcane


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