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Session 1 - Caravan Escort to Half Meadow

General Summary

Alabar Teagan, the general merchant set up just outside the Bastion gates, has trade business in a small settlement called Half Meadow, about a days journey away. Having hired Yellow Al, Fossil and Ivangelo as mercenaries to protect his caravan, they set off down the Green Way, a familiar trade route that leads from the plateau into the lowlands of the valley forests below. Before long the Caravan slowed due to poor road conditions and suddenly was ambushed by a group of bandits, threatening to kill them unless they surrender their goods. Yielding no surrender, the party slain the bandits and safely escorted Alabar's caravan to Half Meadow.
  Arriving at their destination, they found themselves at a trader's festival, a recurring event in Half Meadow where caravaneers meet to trade goods, exchange in information and strike lucrative business partnerships. Spending some time amongst the market stalls, various purchases were made - Fossil stocked up on farming supplies, Ivangelo bought various herbs and spices, and Yellow Al was even able to strike quite a trade deal with one of the caravaneers, paving the way for his future career as a soap baron. Meanwhile Alabar attended to important trade business with his contact, O'Ghomoro, a seasoned caravaneer with reputation and influence, who used to lead a large caravan company in the eastern deserts. According to Alabar, Oghomoro is a good trade contact to have, and has been known to be able to acquire rare materials, relics and antiquities. Having unfinished business, the party decided to return to Half Meadow in the future to meet with Oghomoro and discuss trade relations.

Report Date
23 Jan 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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