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Session 1.1 - Half Meadow Trade Festival

General Summary

To conclude their business at the Trader's Festival in Half Meadow, Fossil, Ivangelo and Tike Myson meet Alabar at O'Ghomoro's tent, an auspicious set up for a large caravan and its wares at the center of the festival. There they are greeted by a kind old Tortle, who is dressed in foreign looking robes and has the look of a well traveled caravaneer. His tent is filled with oddities and baubles from the east, and carries the scent of perfume and spice. O'Ghomoro is the trade contact that Alabar came to meet, and there they converse with the party about their plans, offering a proposition:
  According to Oghomoro, he used to lead a sizeable caravan company far to the east, in the Khazakorum Desert. It has long been a lucrative region for the trade of silk and spices, however in recent years the trade routes there have become increasingly dangerous due to the rule of a local crime lord named Caiman, who owns a large casino in the Khazakorum called The Oasis. Having finally seized total control of Sentinel's Pass, a crevasse through the mountain and main entry point for trade routes into the desert, Caiman has effectively put a stop to all trade unless they pay a levy to him. With conditions worsening and caravans being frequently attacked or robbed, O'Ghomoro was forced to retreat west with what little remained of his caravan.
  Now in the safety of Half Meadow, O'Ghomoro has a plan to create a new and greater caravan company by joining forces with his old friend Alabar, who has been trading in this area for years. Eventually they aspire to retake the trade routes to the east by cutting off Caiman's trade contacts in the west, though this will take quite some time and influence, and a much larger company than they currently have. Recognizing your skill, they extend this opportunity to the party, whether as craftsmen, traders or mercenaries, to join their business venture. But before they can form this new company they must gain some traction in the area, O'Ghomoro has identified two untapped trade routes that may prove bountiful if tamed of their dangers:
  In the mountains to the North there is rumor of a surviving dwarven stronghold, who may be willing to trade in precious gems, metals and crafts. Though the path there is risky as it passes through the Tapora Plains, a barren landscape ruled by the Horse Lords, a nomadic hunter gatherer society of Centaurs that are wary of outsiders.
  The other point of interest are the great old forests to the west, home to various societies of halflings, wood elves, fey, beast-folk and druids, who may be willing to trade in arcane items, wooden crafts and potions. On the outskirts of this forest, along the proposed trade route, is the village of Altonshire. Populated by humans, this village has been ruled for generations by the Redwynd family who had "liberated" the area from the wood elves centuries ago. A border treaty between Altonshire and the nearby Elven village of Menasari has been upheld until recently, with aggressions from either side ready to spark all out conflict.
  O'Ghomoro says he will be in touch with more details in time, and if you wish to contact him, you need only speak with Alabar at the Bastion.

Report Date
17 Feb 2023
Primary Location


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