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Session 2 - The Wreck of the Enterprise

General Summary

The Militia Captain, Brummelda, is organizing a scouting party to go back and salvage the remains of an airship that crashed just off the southwestern bank of the Plateau - the same airship you crash landed aboard just 2 months ago, and were found by the Bastion. As such, Brummelda has asked the party if any of you would like to join them, as either salvager or mercenary. She doesnt have enough to properly pay you, as the militia itself is mostly a volunteer force of survivors. However she does promise that you may keep any interesting salvage that you find, so long as you aid in their greater purpose which is to salvage an adamantine mithril alloy that coats the elemental engine of the ship. This alloy is quite valuable, and could financially support the Bastion for the near future.
  Joining the call to action was Ivangelo, Tike Myson, Yellow Al and Varis Sylvaranth. Accompanied by Brummelda, 2 militia guards, 2 salvagers from the bastion and 2 salvage carts, the party made its way to the south western bank of the plateau. Along the road to the wreck, the party met with a caravan of dwarven metal workers who were attacked on the road by Kobolds the night before. They shared some small talk and a word of warning, leaving the party with a small parcel of strange sausages.
  Arriving at the wreck of the Enterprise, the ship is a dilapidated skeleton strewn about a rocky outcrop. Several bodies found among the wreckage are in advanced stages of decomposition, and the ship itself is far beyond repair, at least by those residing at the Bastion. The salvage crew gets to work dismantling the hull while the mercenaries guard them, keeping watch. The party salvaged a variety of material components from the ship, as well as recovered loot from the bodies of dead passengers. Suddenly, they were ambushed from the foothills by half a dozen Kobold salvagers - but the party held their ground and dispatched their foes without mercy, specifically Yellow Al silently sniping from the cover of the upper deck, and Tike obliterating the skull of a Kobold with a single punch from his iron fist.
  With their assailants taken care of, the party continued salvaging. Removing rubble and debris revealed the elemental engine with the elemental still inside, though it was highly unstable. Very, very carefully, the party worked together with the guided instruction of Varis to release the elemental from the core. Successful, an air elemental was released, which quickly escaped and dissipated into the atmosphere above. With the danger removed, the party was able to extract the precious alloy and handed it over to Brummelda for the betterment of the Bastion. With their salvage collected and enemies looted, the party heads back to the Bastion after a hard days work.

Report Date
26 Feb 2023
Primary Location


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