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Solo Session: Tork - Cave Terrors

General Summary

Delving into the dangerous depths for an in person session of cave exploration, Tork returned to a previous spelunking spot and discovered a hidden passage into an expansive cavern. Prowling about the dank caverns in a mess of stalactites and stalagmites he discovered an ore not unlike one he chanced upon before... Mithril. Only seeing tiny deposits near the cavern walls, he ventures deeper into the expansive chamber in hopes of more fortunate finds. Eventually he found a much larger and denser vain and tried to test it with a good bash.
  Attracted by the activity, an unexpected sight down in these dank caverns emerged. A pair of Jackalopes prancing around the stalagmites. They sniffed around where the noise emanated and scampered off after a few minutes. Curious, and urged onwards by the prospect of riches, Tork followed them further into the caverns. With a keen eye he watched as they were swept upwards to the ceiling, seemingly on invisible wings, and were by all estimations eaten by a stalactite. Curiosity piqued, Tork approached the mineral spire carefully and discovered a very considerable vain of the prized mithril in a band at the stalactites base. With caution abandoned the bugbear smashed the vein with the pommel of his glaive and discovered a camouflaged monstrosity!
  The horrifying creature was a far flung facsimile of a hydra, having two thin and oily tentacles with the adorable bunnies affixed at their ends. All hidden inside a rocky shell. Tork engaged it with a decisive opening slice, and soon discovered the thing had regenerative capabilities. The fight danced about the cavern as Tork stayed mobile despite the difficult terrain - only to find the bunnies held terrible fangs with a paralytic venom. With each bite the creature landed Tork's movement slowed. He cleverly discovered it's weakness to bludgeoning damage and exploited it to great effect, but not before he was nearly completely paralyzed and on death's door.
  Crawling to the edge of where it's wiry tentacles could reach, Tork defied certain death and escaped without the use of his legs, and not empty handed. The mithril remained where it was found, but in the struggle Tork forced one of the Jackalope-appendages from the creature and skillfully cut free all of the still wriggling tentacle bits. He crawled on sharp rocks all the way back to where he had entered the newly exposed caverns, and there fashioned a macabre headdress from the "Jackalope" corpse with impressive skill. Satisfied as one can be with body beleaguered by enough paralytic venom to outright kill a lesser adventurer, Tork hid himself in those caverns and slept the night through.   Waking with renewed vigor despite the previous days rigors, he deduced that the caverns are where solo adventurers go to die and decided instead to see what intruige the Bastion has in store. He found something of interest in the tavern, where two important looking figures were discussing something with hard eyes and stern expressions which was much to the contrast of the other patrons that day. He watched the patterns of servers for a while to look for an opportunity to slip in and eavesdrop, and found one.   He immediately confronted Beraht the tavern owner and used the lapse in security as a clever pitch for himself to work as a guard for the tavern. Beraht was appreciative of the candor but resistant to the idea, though they hit it off after Tork purchased them both some very, very expensive Dwarven rum with every last gold coin he had. They arm wrestled and laughed and joked, and through a series of cool moves Tork earned some respect from the old pirate Beraht. Eventually, Beraht offered Tork a job collecting something off the plateau, and it's to be kept hush hush. Exploiting the Dwarven rum's negotiation lubrication, Tork managed.
  To secure an even more lucrative deal. Finally Beraht relented that a bit of private security for the tavern isnt a bad idea, but it'd be an open contract to the whole bastion. (Workers in the tavern can keep an ear to the ground - Critical successes when doing labour in downtime can reveal new rumours, or earn elaboration on an existing one!)
After finishing their drinks they shook to seal it, and thus ended the session.

Report Date
28 Feb 2023
Primary Location


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