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The Republic of Thras

  During the The Great Calamity / The Heliocide, the High Elf civilization used their legendary expertise in the arcane to magically lift hundreds of Earthmotes up into the air, containing various elven cities and structures - the biggest of which being Thras, an earthmote large enough to contain an entire mountain range, and the High Elf capital. With just over 300 Earthmotes risen to the skys, there they remained safe from a vast majority of the Calamities horrors. Each earthmote could be magically maneuvered while in the skies at the whim of the elves, should danger befall them.
  The unfortunate truth is, not everyone could be saved the horrors of the calamity. For the high elves to have magically created and raised so many earthmotes in such short amount of time was a feat of genius, however it still was not enough for all High Elf people and their culture to sustain. Only certain cities, families or occupational bloodlines were chosen to go - those whom they felt best displayed the superior traits they were trying to preserve in their society. Those High Elves who were chosen to be part of the republic are referred to as Thrassian, as opposed to those who were not, and were left to survive back on the surface.
  As such, a majority of High Elf culture and their population were still lost during the Calamity - however, those who survived in the skies had an unparalleled advantage to those below. Safe from a vast majority of the calamities dangers, the elves began building self sufficient structures, ecosystems and agriculture systems atop their earthmotes. Over the centuries, these sky islands have grown to house beautifully elegant cities of arcane and technological wonder. Having developed these systems, the republic now live like gods in the heavens compared to the fallout below.
  The Republic have been known to trade through specific channels, however entrance into Thras or the rest of the Republic is generally forbidden to those who are not part of or born in the Republic. Members of other races are especially unwelcome, however, its not impossible. The Republic has a feudal state system where they provide land to their citizens in exchange for their loyalty and service to the state. That being said, it is not unheard of that the High Elves will conscript outsiders, even members of other races if necessary, should their specific talents or skill sets merit enough of a benefit to the republic. In these cases, a work permit or royal decree has been used to exempt individuals, though this is considerably uncommon.
  Among the many islands of the Republic, as well as the massive central land mass known as Thras, one worth mentioning is the Arcane University. Perhaps among one of the last places of great magical study in Astara, this university has existed thousands of years before the calamity. Within it are thousands of years of magical records and closely guarded secrets. Only the elite arcane scholars can study here, and outsiders are strictly forbidden... 


High elven clothing was often simple and functional, but did not lack beauty and grace any more than other clothing, with complex and beautiful patterns woven into the cloth. The clothing, while otherwise non-fanciful, was often made of superior materials to those used in other clothes. Most high elves preferred clothing of natural colors such as green, but others wore garments of garish hues, particularly during holy days or festivals. High elven cities were magnificent marvels of elegant architecture made of wondrous towers and structures that blended seamlessly into places of natural beauty.
  Sadly, High elves are also known to be the most xenophobic of the elven races, and are quite often very arrogant to other races - especially, the beastial races (ie Orcs, Goblins, Bugbears, etc.), whom they believed were only useful for slave labour. High elves openly believe that they are not only the superior elven race, but also the superior race in general. Many facets of High Elf society reflect this, such as the carefully arranged crossing of bloodlines and the common use of eugenics.

Demography and Population

A fully homogenous society of High Elves, with very few exceptions.


Over 300 active Earthmotes ranging in size from a football field to a landmass large enough to contain a mountain range (Thras).

Foreign Relations

Among the many things the High Elves covet, their place in the sky above everyone else, aptly describes where they think they belong. Due to their success avoiding the calamity, they've learned to become self sufficient and not have a need to rely on trade with other nations. This being said, given their level of advancement, trade is still something they engage in often as they have a lucrative advantage there as well. Being so highly advanced, they can offer goods and services incomparable to anything below, making them quite wealthy. Though they will only trade through certain secure channels, and often do not give to charity.

"Noble Children of the Heavens"

Founding Date
~ 4987 2E
Geopolitical, Republic
Alternative Names
The Thrassian Republic
Training Level
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Market economy
Related Species


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