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The Great Calamity

Disaster / Destruction

~ 5000 2E

The moon Aegon crashes into Astara.

The Great Calamity occurred about 750 years prior to the start of our campaign. Nobody really knows the exact reason why it happened, or even what happened, however there was a massive planet-scale disaster which utterly reshaped Astara. Since the calamity, very little of Astara has been successfully mapped due to surviving pockets of populations being displaced and dispersed while new land masses, countries and alliances formed. Some scholars believe that the calamity was due to the hubris of the gods, who had each sought Astara for their own designs. This had invoked the wrath of Helios, a greater god whom resides within the sun. Legend has it that Helios sundered the moon Aegon from the heavens and into Astara, the collision both reshaping and scarring Astara with fragments of the lost moon.

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